Sunday, September 8, 2019

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory - Essay Example An organization has to satisfy these needs if it wants to achieve efficiency from its customers (Bateman and Snell, 2013). It is important to denote that the satisfaction of these needs must be done in a hierarchical order. Starting with the most important need, that is need for survival; up to the least important need that is the need of self-actualization. Another theory is the ERG theory by Aldefer. According to this theory, an individual has three important needs that an organization must satisfy in order to motivate them. These needs are the desire to exist, relate and grow. According to this theory, these needs change as the position of an employee progresses (Tracy, 2013). Existence encompasses the desire to satisfy basic human needs such as food, shelter and clothing. Relatedness is the desire of an employee to form associations with employers, co-workers, and family members (Dessler, 2013). Growth is the desire of an employee to achieve his or her ambitions. McClelland needs theory is another theory of motivation. According to this theory, the needs of an individual are acquired over time, and it is their experiences that shape these needs. McClelland identifies three needs, which are achievement, affiliation and power. This theory is often referred to as the three needs theory. Under achievement, an individual takes a calculated risk to accomplish their goals. They tend to avoid high risks situations, because success there comes as a chance. They also tend to avoid low risk situations because there is no guarantee of success (Fa?bregas and Scalise, 2012). With affiliation, comes the desire of an individual to create relationships. On this basis, an individual favors collaborations, as opposed to competition. The individual also desires power. Under this need, two types of power exists, institutional and personal (Walters, 2010). Personal power involves the need to control friends, and family members. While institutional is the need to control organiza tions. The motivator-hygiene model theory is also another example of a motivational theory. According to this theory, an organization needs to understand the factors that cause an employee to be motivated, and ones that cause the same employee to be de-motivated. This theory denotes that factors that motivate an employee can change over a period of time, and settings of work (Ryan, 2012). However, the need of respect cannot change. It is the most motivating factor at any given point of an individual’s life. This theory further denotes that in an organization, there is an aspect of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Managers must put all this in consideration while formulating policies. The final theory is the equity theory of motivation. This theory explains that the motivation of employees come as a result of perceptions in relation to the fairness in which an organization treats its various employees (Schunk, 2012). This theory denotes that individuals value fairness, and th is makes them to have motivation. Of these theories, the most important theory of motivation is the Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Model. This is because the theory is practical and identifies two factors that an organizations needs to consider while developing human resource policies.

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