Monday, September 9, 2019

IP4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IP4 - Essay Example Pioch (2002) described the era as associated with religious art. Baroque period is characterized by vigorous movement and emotional intensity associated with Baroque art in its primary meaning. Much Hellenistic sculpture could therefore be described as `baroque'. The older meaning of the word means `capricious', `overwrought' or `florid' (Pioch, 2002). Caravaggio and Annibale Carracci are the two great figures who stand at the head of the Baroque tradition, bringing a new solidity and weightiness to Italian painting, which in the late 16th century has generally been artificial and often convoluted in style (Pioch, 2002). The two artists are considered to have their own style in which Annibale's work has an exuberance that is completely his own, and Caravaggio created figures with an unprecedented sense of sheer physical presence (Pioch, 2002). These two major artists have great influences of their own and fusing these influences, the Baroque area arose (Pioch, 2002). Baroque artists inherited from the mannerist style the movement and fervent emotion and solidity and grandeur from Rennaisance style (Pioch, 2002). The Deposition from the Cross is an artwork made by oil in canvas. This is considered one of the greatest works of Caravaggio. In this artwork, the artist did not really portray the Burial or Deposition in the conventional way.

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