Thursday, September 12, 2019

Group dynamics working in teams (apply Belbins Theory) Essay

Group dynamics working in teams (apply Belbins Theory) - Essay Example s are effectively performed at the Community Stroke Team such that both Nursing Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist play various different roles. Nursing Occupational Therapists play the roles of resource investigator, coordinator and monitor-evaluator. Being a resource investigator, he/she seeks out the issues which are causing problems to the patients and he/she searches for resources as how to help out and treat those patients. Being a coordinator, he/she coordinates with other team member in providing the appropriate treatment to the patients. As a monitor-evaluator, he/she keeps monitoring the condition of the patients as well as evaluating the performance of other team members. According to Charles Handy’s theory of organizational culture, the culture of Community Stroke Team comes under the role culture. In this culture, the nature of jobs of the team members is not so dynamic and the effectiveness of the performance of the overall team lies on the efforts of every individual working under this team. NHS Leeds Community Healthcare, 2012. Community Stroke Team. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 February

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