Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Enterprise architecture

February 12, 2011 This article includes my thoughts near the work computer computer computer architecture, corrupt figuring, channel bear on direction (BPML), and blood line Rules. This article consists of a confabulation between the CIO and enterprise architect. It is a convergence of my imagination. CIO I dont want you to buy the farm the intelligence activity consolidation. Instead, handling the word integration. I am upturned that al roughlyone pass on retrieve that we argon working on the consolidation of programs or organizations, rather than improving our architecture to serve the bloodline.Again, I dont want you to do involved in discussions close respite the organization structure of the authority. How do you tick off your roll vs.. The rolls of the opposite directors? first step decorator I would desire to support them with the intimacy I devote at my disposal, provided they ar non fire. One twenty-four hour period they whitethor n realize how they basis substance abuse the attempt architecture. I think of enterprise computer architecture as the substructure, which supports the descent, the superstructure. The Director of keen Planning and Investment Control should use the endeavor architecture migration plan to amaze future investments.A portion of the opening move computer architecture has protection concerns, including any 4 layers cuisines, applications, info, and applied science. We increase standards for each(prenominal) layers of the Enterprise couturierure, except channel standards although, we may be asked to coordinate around work standards. two communications and certification should use the models contained in the Enterprise Architecture Framework or rede changes to the models in the framework. CIO What do you want me to do? Enterprise Architect Get the cooperation of your direct reports. CIO You volition get it.Go over the crinkle architecture, rate of function ar chitecture, and providedt end architectures again. Enterprise Architect The resemblance between the trade and current architecture is the foundation for the data, applications, and technology luff architectures. This comp atomic number 18 answers the question, Are we satisfying our stage telephone circuit requirements in the current architecture? The commercial enterprise architecture or model includes the pastime Defines the burster and objectives, long-range strategies, tactical plans, implementation measures, cyphers, and work rules. Why) Defines the randomness and data that is sh bed, monitored, and tracked. (What) Defines the activities that atomic number 18 performed and a description of separately. How) Defines the organizations and actors performing the activities. (Who) Defines where the activities be performed. (Where) Defines the trade cycles and when activities or routinees are performed. (When) In the transaction architecture, we develop map pings between all 6 of the Coachman interrogatories, including who, what, when, where, why, and how.The descent architecture is mapped to the current architecture, and so opportunities for changement are documented. grades are certain for data, applications, and the technology layers of the architecture using the rail line architecture and other analyses. The vocation architecture constitutes our requirements at the self-assurance level. CIO This is the first epoch I realize heard about opportunities for improvement. Are you going to produce a report with recommendations as a pull up s scoops of the comparison between the ancestry architecture and the current architecture? Enterprise Architect Yes. Here is the way it works 1.Create the Business Architecture We produce a business architecture, which reflects the current way of doing business and contains all branchs of information and data associated with the 6 interrogatives in the Coachman Framework. We also develop ma ppings between the interrogatives. The business architecture describes the current business practices, including, data, processes, etcetera 2. Map the Business Architecture to the true Architecture and Identify Opportunities for gain We get a draft listing of the conceptual projects and associated common applications/components and data objects and progressively down it.We produce a current architecture, which tells us about the living systems. We map the business architecture to the current architecture and we may find out, for example, that on that point are a large number of current systems associated with a single activity or no systems associated with other activities. All current projects are mapped to the conceptual projects. 3. Create the Data, Applications, and Technology aspire Architectures based on the Business Architecture and Other Analyses We produce data, applications, and technology localize architectures, which are partially based on the business architect ure.Also, we use BPML, technology forecasts, judgments about the future uses and characteristics of information, opportunities to automate aspects of work, future business trends, new 2 goals/objectives and plans, etc. As the basis for coming up with the objective architectures. 4. Compare the Current Architecture with the Target Architectures and Produce a Gap outline and a Migration Plan The business architecture helps us to evaluate the present and to propose the future. We use the business architecture as a resource wheresoever we preserve for example, it might contribute to BPML and business rules and indorse versa.We are concentrating on an application architecture now, and we allow issue several(prenominal) reading materials. As more than analyses are completed, we allow chasten the applications architecture. We will trend to data and technology layers soon. CIO How do I know what you are going to include in each version? Enterprise Architect there is no overall ve rsion plan. We belike should include BPML in the second version of the applications architecture. We previously veri tabulate a monthlong plan to implement Enterprise Architecture. CIO I think that there should be a version plan.Also, soon is non an comme il faut answer. I am beginning to be irritated with the staggered development of the Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise Architect We can bed up with a version plan, and reveal you the long-run plan for the completion of the application, data, and technology scar architectures. CIO You are going to produce a report entitled Opportunities for Improvement later on you have completed the business architecture and have compared it with the current architecture. Maybe you should upset it a rolling stone and however keep updating it.Enterprise Architect The Opportunities for Improvement Report might include the following Whoso Who is missing or not be informed? Who do breathing systems dole out or not address? toilet o rganizations and actors be given increased ac calculateability? Whats Is the necessary information and data beingness shared, tracked, and monitored? Are all data models include in existing systems? When Are the scenarios, events, and business cycles reflected in existing systems? Whereas Do all identified locations have access to the existing systems? Whys Do existing systems reflect our goals and objectives, long-term strategic plans, tactical plans, performance measures, budgets, and business rules? Wows Have modify activities and processes been included in existing systems, and do they reflect passim processing? CIO I am interested in how you would increase responsibilities of organizations and actors. Can you verbalise to me about costs? I observe you include budgets in the Why Column. Enterprise Architecture Generally costs are in the Why column along with goals, objectives, long-term strategic plans, tactical plans, performance measures, and business rules.If a project is not budgeted, then it cantata be satisfyn seriously. Costs can be fill in various ways. CIO Maybe you should split costs by each take architecture, that is, applications, data, and technology. Enterprise Architect Good idea. However, we cant do that until we have a migration plan, because centraliseing on costs now would be premature. CIO What is bedim cipher? Enterprise Architect vitiate Computing is like running your PC off of Software as a Service (AAAS), and might include query engines, operating systems, program and business APS, etc.CIO How does foul Computing know our requirements for our program and administrative APS? Is debase Computing our new print? Enterprise Architect Cloud Computing may offer certain advantageous, which we may find attractive. If it doesnt satisfy our requirements, including our standards, then we may not be interested in Cloud Computing. E very(prenominal) day, we are acquire a better Andre on our agency requirements and I think we can take a critical look at this new way of providing IT support. CIO You know the most about our APS and standards so, I expect that you will keep your eye on this issue.What are coterie and others saying about Cloud Computing? Enterprise Architect thither are several security concerns associate to Cloud Computing that I have heard discussed at forums and seminars. First, our data will be stored in other buttockss, and wherever our data is located, it motifs to be defend so, we need to clearly delineate our security requirements. Second, we also expect efficient quicken without diminishing our security requirements. Third, more parties will be involved and we need to earn how they interact and their promises and guarantees. I think that MOB would like to see the IT federal mark decrease, and Cloud Computing may be one meaner to do this. However, there is a trend toward the increase in the flow of data, and an increased emphasis on data ownership. I dont expect th at Cloud Computing will eliminate the need for planning, but it is curiously important that it satisfy the agency in terms of efficiency and security. CIO I dont want to be forced to acquire a pig in the poke. in that respect was a lot of pressure to move forward with an integrated Enterprise Architecture, which contains standards and approvals.I am wondering if MOB is changing our target? I am sure that Cloud Computing will require that we give up a certain spirit level of control. I am also worried about the costs and the loss of expertise. Enterprise Architect As our Enterprise Architecture work progresses, we increasingly have a better understanding of our requirements. CIO You have indicated that you are developing the applications architecture first. Why didnt you develop the applications and data architectures in parallel?I am being approached by BPML contractors as you know and I asked you to do some research on the subject. When will you give it to me? Enterprise Archit ect We should have developed the applications and data architectures together, since they are most think to one another. Here is a table that summarizes my BPML research. I think that BPML would offer marvelous value for further refining our target architecture, and I look at that the Coachman Framework contributes to the purport of improved processes. A few things are worth noting from my BPML research. See barrier (1)). 1) Both recesses and outcomes are important. Many citizens come into contact lens with the agency through processes. Of course, the government tends to focus on output rather than outcomes, because outputs are often more achievable than outcomes. 2) desegregation and standardization reduces fragmentation and enables the processes to be more efficient and rough-and-ready. 3) The data, processes, and business rules are important. Processes should be ended- end. Data models can be increase with business rules, which limit and control processes. ) earlier en gineering, BPML, business rules, and technology forecasts, among others, re important to develop the data, applications, and target architectures. As they say, it would be wise to make changes to processes up-front rather than reservation these changes down stream. We know the processes associated with the information exchanges, particularly our interchanges with the public. We can use that to focus on priority processes. Additionally, we produced value streams associated with the value compass and various scenarios, particularly related to threats.Finally, there are a number of 5 key data models that contain very important processes. All of this can be used to kick pelf BPML. BPML takes commodious time and effort to create improved processes, particularly if you are going to select a preferred alternative from a comparison of similar processes. A process may be undertaken in many ways by the bureaus, using distinct combinations of activities, data, people, time limitations, g oals, objectives, and business rules. CIO Following up on a comment you previously made, I want the citizen to have more responsibility.I think you are the logical soul to do BPML. Enterprise Architect In addition to the 40 value streams and other scenarios, we developed data models which include processes. In the data model Customers place orders, place orders is the process. We have tons of data models of this sort. I am willing to diagnose business rules associated with these data models. However, I think we need to depend on our BPML community to do BPML. CIO There is no BPML community. I am afraid that you are it. I count on you to explore ways to improve how we can further serve the business. emit to me about business rules.What do business rules have to do with BPML? Enterprise Architect Business rules are important because you can change the behavior of the organization by changing the business rules. Both business rules and BPML focus on processes. According to Ron Ross, A business rule sets limitations and controls on a process. I have prepared an bound that explains business rules. (See Enclosure (2)). You will maintain that both BPML and Enterprise Architecture use similar language. Additionally, I did not identify the business rules as part of business architecture and I think this was a mistake.John Coachman classifies business rules in his framework at a lower level. However, I no longer agree with this. I believe that the data model, processes, and business rules are closely interconnected and are critical to be the business architecture. CIO Maybe John Coachman cherished us to first develop the data models and later add the business rules to them. yet give me a plan for the versions that includes the ideas we have discussed. Also, when the time comes, I am not going to stop any of the existing projects. The new project managers can sort this out.Finally, I have assembled some juvenility idiot boxs on Enterprise Architecture, BPML, a nd business rules. (See Enclosure (3)) What I would like you to do is take a look at them, and come up with your own videos. If you want to film experts to do the video that is fine. Maybe we should start with Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise Architect Okay. George Brigandage veritable a B. A. From Wright State University and M. A. From the University of Cincinnati. He retired in June 2004, from the federal government and 6 lives in Ocean View, Delaware, and Alexandria, Virginia.He was an Enterprise Architect at the Department of the Treasury and the Department of mother country Security. Before that, he Emceed the Architectures Program for several years at the General operate Administration (AS) and the Department of the Treasury. He may e reached at cell 703. 772. 7410 and at George. emailprotected Com. His articles are on the meshing at http//enterprisearchitectureit. Info. 7 Enclosure (1) Business Process Management This table summarizes the key points from the following publications. The categories in this table are moreover groupings of BPML actions that were mentioned in the publications 1 .President Beams book, The Audacity of Hope, make in 2006. 2. Customer Service Excellence, employ Information Technologies to Improve Service pitch in Government, Harvard University, 1994. 3. Citizen-Enabling Open Government (EEOC) administrator Summary for ideas. This report was produced by ACT-IAC Enterprise Architecture overlapd Interest mathematical group (SIGH), September 2010. ) 4. Federal Government Business Process Reengineering Lessons Learned, February 1994, published by AS. Categories Share information and effectively manage programs. reactive to citizens unavoidably.Treat all with dignity and What BPML Has Done or Might Do Share information and data. Increase integration and standardization to resist fragmentation. give one face to the citizens. engender data standards and business rules. can suites of normally shared services. Use technology effectively . Develop a citizen service dodging that includes technology, human resources, skill development, and incentives. leave seasonably response to the citizen. Develop performance measures, associated with ended-end processes and outcomes. murder ownership of the entire process. Describe the business or make it explicit. (See Identify the needs of the citizens. Use multiple vehicles to communicate with the public, including web sites, videos (The success of Youth, which provides some degree of video training, is astounding. ), and video teleconferencing. Use focus groups, surveys. Provide the public with access to the governments databases. Provide knowledge and training, including long distance 8 respect. Provide the same level of service to all. pucker needed information. Clearly explain things.Develop effective and efficient processes and use technology creatively. Do things better, faster, and cheaper. defend the public from harm. Give citize ns their moneys worth. Education, so citizens can obtain the benefits they need and budget for innovative training. Develop standards and consistently enforce business rules (Business rules must be transparent, consistent, ND explicit to enable effective regulation. ) Provide language services. Use alternative locations and organizations like libraries and kiosks to obtain information and distribute benefits. Protect privacy 12

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