Thursday, July 18, 2019

Abortion and Ethics Essay -- Life Pregnancy Fetus Papers

Abortion and Ethics According to the Websterà ¢s New World Dictionary, the first definition of abortion is the spontaneous act in which the body expels an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive, miscarriage (Neufeldt & Guralnik, 4). Yet others define abortion as à £the termination of a pregnancy with resulting death of the human fetus,à ¤ relating more to the planned procedures to produce this specific response (Ashley & Oà ¢Rourke, 141). In our society we have taken on this second view of the meaning, rather than abortion being a spontaneous act, it is a deliberate procedure sought by the mother that removes an embryo or fetus. This deliberate act has arisen throughout a controversial history. Before the procedures were made legal, women used many primitive methods. Some of these methods include jumping from great heights, having others jump on the pregnant womanà ¢s abdomen, ingestion of toxic substances, and the use of invasive probes such as sticks, knitting needles, or wire hangers (Callahan, 252). Although these primitive procedures might result in an abortion, they were unsafe for the women who endured them. Abortion in the United States was illegal until the early 1970s. Once legalized, abortions were localized to the coastal densely populated cities, such as in the states California and New York. Abortion was legalized nation wide on January 22, 1973 due to the efforts the key court cases of Roe v. Wade, and Doe v. Botton. Roe was an unmarried woman from Texas that wanted to challenge the abortion laws because she herself wanted to have the procedure to relieve the unborn child she carried. The second case, Doe v. Botton had a different outlook on the justification for abortion. Doe, a married... Knight, James, Joan Callahan. Preventing Birth: Contemporary Methods and Related Moral Controversies. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, 1989. Kushner, Thomasine, David C. Thomasma. Birth to Death. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1996. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institutes of Health. 26 Nov. 2002. Neufeldt, Victoria, David B. Guralnik. Webster's New World Dictionary 3rd ed. Prentice Hall/Macmillan Company: New York, 1994. Robinson. 26 Nov. 2002. Shannon, Thomas. Bioethics, 3rd edition. Paulist Press: Mahwah, 1987. The Abortion Law Homepage. 26 Nov. 2002.

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