Sunday, July 28, 2019

Consultant report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Consultant report - Assignment Example ive management of time, all necessary activities are most likely to finally come to a halt and thus, result in increasing work stress (Hosseini, Nourbakhsh & Sepasi, 2013). Specifically, in cases of present world business scenarios, time is given a premium priority. In this context, the ‘Pareto Principle’ comes into the picture. This principle was mainly implemented with the intention of improvising the studies related to management principles and techniques (Backhaus, 1980). Multiple managers of big business organizations find this principle very effective in terms of problem identification and controlling the functional factors, which directly or indirectly contribute towards the effective utilization of resources. As per this particular principle, effective allocation of input resources significantly helps in bringing about improvements in the quality of output (Huffstutter & Smith, 1989). There are various other models and theories that have been developed gradually and even chronically in pursuit to manage time more efficiently and minimize the level of stress amid the workforce to the desirable extent (Bickford, 2005). Few of the most prominent theories and models will be assessed in the discussion henceforth, providing effective consulting to the organization involved in offering financial services and functionalities in to a substantial volume of customers. As the organization has been witnessing rising demand from its customers’ end, greater work pressure is burdened over the employees, which in turn increases their stress making it more challenging for them to manage their time efficiently. Hence, this consultation paper will aim at assisting the organization with certain remedial strategies to manage the stress level amid the existing workforce. Time management can be described as a process of effectively managing and scheduling time for successful completion of projects or activities. Depending on the functional complexity of this financial

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