Monday, May 27, 2019

Imperialism in the late 19th century Essay

In the late 19th century Americans fully embraced the concept of American exceptionalism, believing the unite States had a destiny unique among nations to foster res publica and civilization. With this ideology, Social Darwinism, Anglo-Saxon, ocean expansion, and the need for market promoted the rise to imperialism in the United States.When the Americans moved west and defeated the Native Americans they felt matchless because of all the expert and social developments they had over the Native Americans. Americans were able to trade and exchange guns, agriculture, and animals with Europe and Asia. The Americans thought God was making room for them just now Social Darwinism is what vindicated the Whites control over weaker races. The wealthy used a scientific theory as a comparison to validate their greedy behavior and avoid paying taxes. at that place were 14 hour days for employees, no annuities, healthcare, or education. They believed the poor should arrive at their way out o f poverty. Darwinists assumed some races were inherently determined and that nature should be accorded to eliminate the unfortunate. Their way of thinking is what initiated the Holocaust. They believed that the assassinations of the Jews in World War ll meant they were cleaning out mediocre heredities. Darwinism, not to be addressed so much to Charles Darwin, but Herbert Spencer, came up with the expression survival of the fittest. Darwinism was a feuded rivalry between social concourses creating a dog-eat-dog world. The Anglo-Saxon race felt different and that they were the superior and higher ones that were ordain to rule the world.Josiah Strong, a Congregationalist minister, believed The Essence of Christianity is Love. In order to even consider yourself an Anglo-Saxon, you had to love civil liberty. You had to be a strong spiritual Christian and have a brain for colonizing. You also had to possess a great liveliness toward your own kind. Strong insisted that the Anglo-Saxons spread Christianity and share their material godsends throughout the world. The group was predestined by God. Strong believed that in order to spread out, there needed to be form of connection between the United States and the Philippines. The United States would loan the gospel of Jesus to the unfortunate races. To gain supremacy in the Pacific, they needed to build acanal across Central America. The Anglo-Saxons needed to obtain king over the Pacific to complete the works of God and the United States needed the islands because Russias effect on Korea was growing rapidly. In 1901, expansion became a certainty. Mahan believed the United States economy would be incapable of receiving the vast amounts of industrial and commercial goods being manufactured locally. He then guaranteed the United States an assured admission fee to international markets.Securing access would cause for a stronger naval forces, a navy that could carry out American commodities across the great highway and high seas. They needed a battleship navy to extinguish opposing navies and a system of naval bases proficient enough to provide fuel and supplies for the expanded navy. Mahan suggested the idea that the countries with the largest navy would attain the world. He was genuinely adamant about the importance of the navy and trying to overcome the world. This was believed to be even truer once Hawaii, Cuba, and the Philippines were acquired. William Seward then strived to endorse an agreement with the Colombian Government to allow the United States to build a waterway through the Panama territory. After the Spanish-American War, the United States attained power over territories that could function as embering stations and naval bases. The foreign market for American redundant products caused economic expansion to those nations.America was manufacturing way more than they could use. The markets of oil, steel, and agriculture were in major favor of the American expansion. around demands for expansion were met by large commercial farmers. Vast amounts of raw materials were needed to properly preserve a strong industrial economy. Machinery became a large manufacturing and all kinds of machines were established. Businesses were able to maneuver over wide areas creating chain stores everywhere. The invention of the steamship cut the travel time for shipping goods. The faster shipments arrived, the faster they could learn advantage of supplies and sell manufactured goods. Oil was discovered in western Pennsylvania and used as lubricants and kerosene for lamps. Steel mills flourished in places where coal and iron elements could be brought together to produce steel. The American labor movement began to create unions. The unions began negotiating with possessors for higher earnings andbetter working environments. The wide-ranging knowledge of industrial development and scientific development helped enable perception for the creation of new businesses and technologies.Adv anced technology strengthened the power and control of industrialized countries. The convenience of prosperity, promotion by the unrestricted market of controllable canals, and coastal waterways, the large quantity of natural resources aided cheap withdrawal of goods. This strengthened the power and influence of industrial countries and allowed them higher advantage in war and economic growth. Contribution in the war overwhelmingly reformed the economy, governments, and society of the nation. This created a lucrative report creating work places for large immigrations. The United States had taken its place as the leading world supremacy.Works CitedHenretta, A. James,https//

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