Sunday, May 5, 2019

Enviromental Ethics of Cleaning up the Oceans Term Paper

Enviromental Ethics of Cleaning up the Oceans - term Paper ExampleThere are many reasons to affirm that all citizens of this world have good and moral responsibility to maintain the oceanicic health, starting with the cleaning of its waters. Since, ages oceans have provided around half of the compulsory oxygen to all living bodies on earth. Nevertheless, the detection of Dead Zones in several seas and oceans reveal that the marine life within such zones is starving for oxygen. This is mainly due to large scale dumping of rural and industrial waste into the oceanic waters. The exploitation of oceans has resulted in extinction of many races of sharks and other predatory fishes along with other species like turtles. Hence, it is the moral responsibility of all global citizens to gear up the efforts towards aggressive ocean cleaning.Various moral theories come up when discussing about the moral responsibility of human race kind in saving the environment of this planet. However, ma in aspects of moral theory include the issues related to sustainability, compassion and participation. It is the duty of all citizen of world to ensure that all creatures and human beings are treated equally. The sustainability is the extension of this moral obligation, which defines the purpose of showdown the requirements of present generation, while ensuring that future generations are able to meet their needs sufficiently. It is in this context that human kind needs to understand its moral duty towards the preservation for oceanic marine life, which is one of the classic supporters of human life system. If the ocean waters are not clean, the formation of dead zones will be frequent. This will deprive these waters of the vibrant marine life. We need to preserve marine life for the involvement of our present and future generations.The action, which ensures that every one gets sufficient quantity of goods required to live in a

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