Thursday, May 9, 2019

Antigone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Antigone - Essay suitWhile one brother was buried with all honors, the other was left to rot in the fair weather under punishment of King Creon if any should attempt burial procedures. Antigone, outraged at the dishonor shown her family disregardless of the outside circumstances, also expresses her deep-seated belief that it is against the wishes of the gods to leave any of their subjects unburied. Meanwhile, King Creon issued the order regarding the brothers remains as a means of showing his extreme loyalty to the state and demonstrating his suitability to be king. This conflict surrounded by King Creon showing loyalty to the state and Antigone showing loyalty to family and to the gods highlights two of the most important issues liner the Greeks but ultimately Sophicles supports the concept that it is family and adherence to the rules of the gods that are most important in life in Antigones marginal victory over Creon in death.Antigone enters the first scene of the play already in a rage after learning that the new king, Creon, has forbidden to allow one of her brothers to be buried, introducing the central conflict of the play immediately. She decides to go against the kings orders, arguing that burying the dead is the right amour to do. Antigone, driven by family duty and love, cannot but fight against Creons decision. (Lathan, 2002). Her pride in family makes it impossible for her to flatten out the issue and her stubborn determination to abide by what she feels is right makes it impossible for her to approach the issue in any way other than head-on. It is clear shes outraged that the king would tell her what to do when she is talk of the town to her sister at the very beginning of the play Whats this theyre saying now, / something our general has had proclaimed / throughout the city? Do you know of it? / / Dishonours which better fit our enemies / are now being piled up on the ones we love (Johnston,

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