Friday, May 31, 2019

The Car Industry :: Automotive Industry

The Automotive IndustryIn the U.S., the 2007 market was approximately 15.9 one gazillion million cars and light trucks sold, down from about 16.5 million the previous year. Production in North America, during 2006, including cars and trucks of all types, totaled 11.8 million produced in America, 2.6 million produced in Canada and 2 million produced in Mexico. Globally, about 53 million new cars were sold in 2007, up from about 49 million the previous year. These estimates are from Scotiabank Group.thither are approximately 244 million vehicles in operation in the United States. Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007. By 2020, that number exit reach 1 billion. Currently, those vehicles burn nearly 260 billion gallons of fuel yearly.In the U.S., as of 2006, the industry included about 21,200 new-car dealerships, 1.07 million manufacturing employees and 1.12 million retail new and used car dealership employees. Total r even upues at n ew-car and light truck dealers exceed $675 billion, according to NADA.The years of 2004 through 2006 will long be remembered as a pivotal period in the automobile industry. It was a period during which high gaseous state prices started a sea sort among U.S. consumers that is finally creating significant demand for fuel-efficient vehicles. Gasoline prices of approximately $2.00 per gallon started taking a huge bite out of family budgets in 2004, and many middle-class consumers who affirm fuel guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks began to wish they had vehicles that were much less expensive to operate. By 2005-2006, with gasoline prices in the $3.00 range, the party was over for traditional, large SUVs. While gasoline prices moderated during much of 2007, they were still in the $2.70 range in most markets.One result was the phenomenal demand for Toyotas Prius hybrid car. Toyota responded by raising the price and preparation production increases. Meanwhile, Toyota made investments in it s Georgetown, Kentucky plant to enable it to manufacture 48,000 hybrid Camrys yearly there by late 2006Toyota will likely wish it had created even more hybrid capacity. Meanwhile, there has been good demand for Toyotas Lexus RX400h hybrid crossover. Ford launched its first hybrids, and other carmakers, including GM, were greatly encouraged in their own efforts to bring more hybrids to the market. However, response to hybrids from U.S. makers has been lukewarm at best. Consumers generally arent as impressed with U.S. hybrid technology as they are with that of Toyota models, and actual mileage results on the road have been disappointing, largely due to driver habits such as quick acceleration which uses more fuel.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Modernism Essay -- Comparative Literature Essays Papers

Modernism Modernism is defined in Merriam-Websters Dictionary as a self-conscious break with the bygone and a search for new forms of expression. While this explanation does relate what modernism means, the intricacies of the term go much deeper. Modernism began round 1890 and waned around 1922. Virginia Wolf once wrote, In or about December, 1910, human character changed. (Hurt and Wilkie 1443). D.H. Lawrence wrote a similar statement about 1915 It was 1915 the old world ended. (Hurt and Wilkie 1444). The importance of the contract dates of the Modernist period are not so relevant as the fact that new ideas were implemented in the era. Ideas that had never before been approached in the world of belles-lettres suddenly began emerging in the works of many great authors. Two of the pioneer Modernist writers were Joseph Conrad and T.S. Eliot. The tendencies to question the incontestable beliefs embedded in all thinking and to taper on the inner self dominated. Old viewpoints were t ossed aside to make way for the discovery of modern mans personal spirituality. Two works that are considered important forbears in the Modern period are T.S. Eliots The Wasteland and Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness.One attribute of Modernist writing is Experimentation. This called for using new techniques and disregarding the old. Previous writing was often fifty-fifty considered stereotyped and inadequate (Holcombe and Torres). Modern writers thrived on originality and honesty to themselves and their tenets. They wrote of things that had never been advanced before and their subjects were far from those of the past eras. It could be observed that the Modernist writing completely contradicted its predecessors. The past was rejected with vigor and... ...hing, 1971. 37-66.Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York Dover Publications, 1990.Cox, C.B. Joseph Conrad The Modern Imagination. Totowa, NJ Rowman and Littlefield, 1974.Eliot, T.S. Collected Poems. New York Harcourt Brace, 1 936.Holcomb, John, and Patricia Torres. Modernism in literature. 2002. LitLangs. 6 September 2003 .Hurt, James, and Brian Wilkie. Literature of the Western World Volume II Neoclassicism Through the Modern Period. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall, 2001.Monroe, Harriet. A Contrast. Poetry A mag of Verse XXI (1923) 325-330.Rpt. in Studies in A Waste Land. Ed. Matthew Bruccoli and Joseph Katz. Columbus Merrill Publishing, 1971. 19-22.Smith, Grover JR. T.S. Eliots Poetry and Plays. Chicago University of Chicago Press,1956.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Essay --

Efficient communication between jail cells is crucial in governing cellular activities. Cytokines be a key element of the cell signaling process and mediate communication among cells. Cytokines ar a type of small proteins released by cells that have an effect on the behavior of other cells. in that location are several different types of cytokines including interleukins, interferons, and tumour necrosis factor. Many different types of cells can produce cytokines, such as immune cells like macrophages, mast cells, and B lymphoctyes. Cytokines are especially important in the immune system because they help coordinate that balance between the cell-based immune response and the humoral immune response. There are several different factors that go into play in the function of cytokines and their effect. There are many different types of cytokines, and each cytokines has a matching cell-surface receptor. Cytokines bind to particular(prenominal) receptors on target cells with high affin ity. Cascades of intercellular signaling following then have an effect on the function of cells. Depending on what type of cytokines,...

Setting of Eveline in James Joyces Dubliners :: Dubliners Essays

Setting of "Eveline"   The setting of the short story "Eveline" by James Joyce goes far beyond the physical characteristics. The setting goes yesteryear being located in Dublin, Ireland in an old room. The setting greatly influences Eveline in many different right smarts. The setting entraps Eveline in this short story. The setting of the spotless story is real plain. Nothing in Evelines life ever seems to change. Most of the story takes place with Eveline sitting by the window in a very dull room. The room is filled with "the odor of dusty cretonne" from the curtains, and has a "yellowing photograph hung on the w all told above the broken harmonium" (513). One would certainly not group these characteristics as exciting. Similar to the room, Evelines life is very plain. Eveline is a product of her environment. She is trapped in this setting and does not know any other way except the way things are now for her. Her internal struggle w ill not allow Eveline to leave the setting that she is currently in. Eveline was brought up in a social environment of strict splitnce to tradition and obedience. Eveline is forced to remain in this setting because of the promise that she made to her mother. Eveline had a chance to escape all this, but she doesnt take it because she is very conservative, and doesnt know any other way. Evelines promise to her mother seems to cripple her in this setting. She cant move she cant get out of it Eveline feels that she must adhere to tradition and be obedient by living her mothers life. Eveline even says, "It was hard work-a hard life-but now that she was about to leave she did not find it a in all undesirable life."(513) Eveline does want to get away from this setting, but she simply does not know any other way. Eveline tries to trick herself in to thinking that life isnt that bad. However, in reality she simply seems to greatly fear change because she doesnt know change. Dub lin has become a part of Eveline. The setting is the only thing that gives Eveline a soul of security. She is too afraid to leave this setting she is trapped. In Ireland, "she had those whom she had known all her life about her (512).

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Culture and the Environment on Easter Island and Tikopia Essay examples

In his book Human Natures Genes, Culture and the Human Prospect , Paul Ehrlich argues that the cultural practices of a attached hostelry develop largely as a result of the large-scale environmental factors of the area in which the ordering lives. He gives the striking example that every religions that developed in deserts are monotheistic, whereas those that began in rainforests are polytheistic (Ehrlich, pp 9 of handout, 2000). Ehrlich argues that the size and geography of a region, its climate, the availability of resources - the macroevolutionary forces - will have an great effects on the husbandrys that develop there.Ehrlich continues by pointing out that cultures do not only develop as simple, predictable reflections of their environments. The influences do not only run low in one direction cultural beliefs and practices may lead to large-scale environmental changes made by a society. The culture of a given society may influence how and to what extent that society interac ts with its environment. The rate at which cultures acquire new technologies has historically been highly variable on the one hand, a culture may deliberately restrict the use of a given technology or simply may not have the cultural demand for an useable technology (1) . On the other hand, many cultures seem to have desires and appetites that far exceed a sustainable method of utilizing their environment. All too often, the practices of a society over-strain its existing resources in ways that leave those resources irretrievably damaged.A telling example of the complex interactions between a culture and its surroundings is the relative fates of dickens Pacific islands Easter Island and Tikopia. Although it would be impossible to pin-point a simple cause-an... ...because they had received early notice and were able to protect themselves in caves. However, their water supply was affected, cloggy their fruit supply. These storms have historically hit the island with terrible freque ncy. In one instance in the 1950s, 200 islanders were killed by a famine in the viewing by a storm. (ABC News Online, January 4, 2003)Literature CitedEhrlich, Paul. Human Natures Genes, Culture, and the Human Prospect. Island Press, 2000.Firth, Raymond. History and Traditions of Tikopia. New Zealand Avery Press Limited. 1961.Kirch, Patrick Vinton and Yen, D.E. Tikopia The Prehistory and Ecology of a Polynesian Outlier. Hawaii Bishop Museum Press. 1982Ponting, Clive. A Green History of the World. New York St. Martins Press. 1991.Ross, Marc Howard. The Management of Conflict. New Haven Yale University Press. 1993.

Culture and the Environment on Easter Island and Tikopia Essay examples

In his book Human Natures Genes, Culture and the Human Prospect , capital of Minnesota Ehrlich argues that the cultural practices of a given society develop largely as a result of the large-scale environmental factors of the area in which the society lives. He gives the striking example that all religions that developed in deserts are monotheistic, whereas those that began in rainforests are polytheistic (Ehrlich, pp 9 of handout, 2000). Ehrlich argues that the size and geography of a region, its climate, the accessibility of resources - the macroevolutionary forces - will put on an enormous effects on the civilizations that develop there.Ehrlich continues by pointing out that nuances do not only develop as simple, predictable reflections of their environments. The influences do not only run in one direction cultural beliefs and practices may lead to large-scale environmental changes made by a society. The culture of a given society may influence how and to what extent that socie ty interacts with its environment. The rate at which cultures acquire new technologies has historically been highly variable on the one hand, a culture may deliberately restrict the use of a given technology or simply may not have the cultural demand for an available technology (1) . On the other hand, many cultures seem to have desires and appetites that far exceed a sustainable method of utilizing their environment. in all too often, the practices of a society over-strain its existing resources in ways that leave those resources irretrievably damaged.A telling example of the complex interactions between a culture and its surroundings is the relative fates of two Pacific islands Easter Island and Tikopia. Although it would be impossible to pin-point a simple cause-an... ...because they had received early notice and were able to protect themselves in caves. However, their water supply was affected, threatening their fruit supply. These storms have historically hit the island with terrible frequency. In one instance in the 1950s, 200 islanders were killed by a famine in the aftermath by a storm. (ABC News Online, January 4, 2003)Literature CitedEhrlich, Paul. Human Natures Genes, Culture, and the Human Prospect. Island Press, 2000.Firth, Raymond. History and Traditions of Tikopia. New Zealand Avery Press Limited. 1961.Kirch, Patrick Vinton and Yen, D.E. Tikopia The Prehistory and Ecology of a Polynesian Outlier. Hawaii Bishop Museum Press. 1982Ponting, Clive. A Green History of the World. New York St. Martins Press. 1991.Ross, Marc Howard. The Management of Conflict. New Haven Yale University Press. 1993.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Imperialism in the late 19th century Essay

In the late 19th century Americans fully embraced the concept of American exceptionalism, believing the unite States had a destiny unique among nations to foster res publica and civilization. With this ideology, Social Darwinism, Anglo-Saxon, ocean expansion, and the need for market promoted the rise to imperialism in the United States.When the Americans moved west and defeated the Native Americans they felt matchless because of all the expert and social developments they had over the Native Americans. Americans were able to trade and exchange guns, agriculture, and animals with Europe and Asia. The Americans thought God was making room for them just now Social Darwinism is what vindicated the Whites control over weaker races. The wealthy used a scientific theory as a comparison to validate their greedy behavior and avoid paying taxes. at that place were 14 hour days for employees, no annuities, healthcare, or education. They believed the poor should arrive at their way out o f poverty. Darwinists assumed some races were inherently determined and that nature should be accorded to eliminate the unfortunate. Their way of thinking is what initiated the Holocaust. They believed that the assassinations of the Jews in World War ll meant they were cleaning out mediocre heredities. Darwinism, not to be addressed so much to Charles Darwin, but Herbert Spencer, came up with the expression survival of the fittest. Darwinism was a feuded rivalry between social concourses creating a dog-eat-dog world. The Anglo-Saxon race felt different and that they were the superior and higher ones that were ordain to rule the world.Josiah Strong, a Congregationalist minister, believed The Essence of Christianity is Love. In order to even consider yourself an Anglo-Saxon, you had to love civil liberty. You had to be a strong spiritual Christian and have a brain for colonizing. You also had to possess a great liveliness toward your own kind. Strong insisted that the Anglo-Saxons spread Christianity and share their material godsends throughout the world. The group was predestined by God. Strong believed that in order to spread out, there needed to be form of connection between the United States and the Philippines. The United States would loan the gospel of Jesus to the unfortunate races. To gain supremacy in the Pacific, they needed to build acanal across Central America. The Anglo-Saxons needed to obtain king over the Pacific to complete the works of God and the United States needed the islands because Russias effect on Korea was growing rapidly. In 1901, expansion became a certainty. Mahan believed the United States economy would be incapable of receiving the vast amounts of industrial and commercial goods being manufactured locally. He then guaranteed the United States an assured admission fee to international markets.Securing access would cause for a stronger naval forces, a navy that could carry out American commodities across the great highway and high seas. They needed a battleship navy to extinguish opposing navies and a system of naval bases proficient enough to provide fuel and supplies for the expanded navy. Mahan suggested the idea that the countries with the largest navy would attain the world. He was genuinely adamant about the importance of the navy and trying to overcome the world. This was believed to be even truer once Hawaii, Cuba, and the Philippines were acquired. William Seward then strived to endorse an agreement with the Colombian Government to allow the United States to build a waterway through the Panama territory. After the Spanish-American War, the United States attained power over territories that could function as embering stations and naval bases. The foreign market for American redundant products caused economic expansion to those nations.America was manufacturing way more than they could use. The markets of oil, steel, and agriculture were in major favor of the American expansion. around demands for expansion were met by large commercial farmers. Vast amounts of raw materials were needed to properly preserve a strong industrial economy. Machinery became a large manufacturing and all kinds of machines were established. Businesses were able to maneuver over wide areas creating chain stores everywhere. The invention of the steamship cut the travel time for shipping goods. The faster shipments arrived, the faster they could learn advantage of supplies and sell manufactured goods. Oil was discovered in western Pennsylvania and used as lubricants and kerosene for lamps. Steel mills flourished in places where coal and iron elements could be brought together to produce steel. The American labor movement began to create unions. The unions began negotiating with possessors for higher earnings andbetter working environments. The wide-ranging knowledge of industrial development and scientific development helped enable perception for the creation of new businesses and technologies.Adv anced technology strengthened the power and control of industrialized countries. The convenience of prosperity, promotion by the unrestricted market of controllable canals, and coastal waterways, the large quantity of natural resources aided cheap withdrawal of goods. This strengthened the power and influence of industrial countries and allowed them higher advantage in war and economic growth. Contribution in the war overwhelmingly reformed the economy, governments, and society of the nation. This created a lucrative report creating work places for large immigrations. The United States had taken its place as the leading world supremacy.Works CitedHenretta, A. James,https//

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Maggi Brand Consumer Behaviour Research Essay

Well the history of this brand traces back to the 19th century when industrial revolution in Switzerland created factory jobs for women, who were therefore go forth with very little time to prepare meals. Due to this growing problem Swiss Public Welfare Society posited a miller named Julius Maggi to create a vegetable food product that would be quick to prepare and easy to digest. Julius, the son of an Italian immigrant came up with a formula to bring added taste to meals in 1863.Soon after he was commissioned by the Swiss Public Welfare Society, he came up with two instant pea soups & a bean plant soup- the first launch of Maggi brand of instant foods in 1882-83. Towards the end of the century, Maggi company was producing not just powdered soups, but bouillon cubes, sauces and other flavorings. However in India(the largest consumer of Maggi noodles in the world ) it was launched in 1980s by go up group of companies. Maggie had merged with Nestle(This company too has a very int eresting history which I exit discuss in some other review ) family in 1947.When launched it had to face a stiff competition from the ready to eat snack segments like biscuits, wafers and so on Also it had other competitor the so called home made snacks which are till today considered healthy and hygienic. Hence to capture the market it was positioned as a hygienic home made snack, a smart move. But still this didnt work, as it was targeted towards the wrong target group, the working women. Although the product was developed for this finical purpose. After conducting an extensive research, the firm found that the children were the biggest consumers of Maggi noodles.Quickly a strategy was developed to capture the kids segment with various tools of sales promotion like pencils, fun books, maggi clubs which worked wonders for it. No doubt the ads of maggi have shown a hungry kid saying Mummy bhookh lagi hai to which his mom replies Bas do minute and soon he is happily alimentation Maggie noodles. The company could have easily positioned the product as a meal, but did not, as a study had shown that Indian mentality did not accept anything other than rice or roti as meal.They made it a easy to cook snack that could be prepared in just two minutes. The formula clicked sanitary & maggi became a brand name. Thats precisely what is required in making a product a brand The brand has grown to an estimated 200 crore & contributes to most 10% of Nestle Indias top line. So next time when you are eating this noodles just remember these facts that have gone on to adopt Maggi a brand. In the early 1980s India was opening up to the world after three and a half decades of self-existence. Till then, the concept of troubled food was practically non-existent.Nestle had already been pipped to the post by Cadbury in the milk chocolate segment and it desperately wanted to create a niche for itself in the high potential Indian market. It was then that it realized that it could be a first-mover in the untapped instant food segment. Several years went by and a lot of money was spent and Maggi Noodles was born. The problems had only just begun. The biggest of them was the Indian psyche of the 80s. The conservatism which India showed in their culture boiled down to their palate also.They would rather scram to their Tandoori Chicken or Idli Sambhar than be a little more adventurous in trying a new taste. Maggi Noodles was a new taste from a new culture. It was then that Maggi Noodles became Maggi Instant Two-Minute Noodles. The whole point was to position Maggi as platform of convenience and soul food for the a fast growing element of the Indian population the working women. Heavy promotion was done on the same lines. But even this did not work. Sales were good but not as good as they wanted it to be.A research was carried out which revealed that the largest consumers of the brand were not the working women but young children in the Indian households. Real izing this, Nestle repositioned their brand using new promotional strategies and smart advertising. Marketing teams were sent out to schools to distribute free Maggi samples to take home. The kids would inevitably take their Maggi packets home and ask their mothers to prepare it for lunch or as a snack. The mothers would find that it took them only two minutes to make a proper hot meal for their children who would love it.They would refer it to their neighbors who would pass it on to distant bachelor cousins who lived alone and had to cook for themselves. Thus, the hugely successful viral campaign ensured that Maggi created a distinct affection in the hearts of its consumers unlike any other proprietary food of its time. But the story was far from over. In 1997, Nissin the inventor of instant noodles launched its flagship brand acquit Ramen in the Indian market with Shah Rukh Khan fresh from the success of super hits like Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge endorsing the brand.It was then that Maggi took its first false step it changed its taste to align itself with that of Top Ramens. The results were disastrous. A generation which had grown up on Maggi could not accept the new taste and would rather give Top Ramen a try. Nestle was fast losing ground to Nissin. It took them two years to work out a new strategy accept the consumers verdict and get back to the basics. In 1999, Maggi relaunched itself with its passkey taste. It paid off handsomely and the faithfuls returned to their master. Top Ramen could no longer sustain the growth it built up in the two years. The next big bank vault came in 2004.The SARS epidemic of 2003 in South East Asia had led to widespread concerns regarding personal hygiene and health. Mothers were right off more concerned regarding what their children were eating and maida in general was always considered to be low on the health aspect. In 2005 Maggi launched Atta Noodles with the tagline Taste bhi, health bhi. Although the adve rtisements showed Atta Noodles replacing the rotis and chapatis, this was never Maggis intention. It knew that thinking about that target was a far cry and the main purpose was to convince mothers that their children was eating the right thing.In this sense, it scored over the Licia and Bambino semolina-based Macaroni products, which, though being an healthier alternative to Maggi, always tried to position themselves as a substitute for wheat based items of daily consumption. Within 10 months, Maggi Atta Noodles was declared a success and now they are foraying further with the Taste bhi, Health bhi campaign with products such as Multi-Grain Noodles. The above examples show that Maggi as a brand knows the customer and is willing to come across from its mistakes.It knows that its USP is convenience to ake and good to eat and it sticks to that without pushing the envelope further in its campaigns. It has also leveraged its success to other food products the most notable of which is the Maggi ketchup which has garnered a market leader position of about 45% largely thanks to the Maggi brand and its positioning as a Different product ( Remember the tagline Its incompatible ). The savior of many students (and especially the ones staying in hostels), there is little doubt as to why many regard Maggi as the greatest invention since the wheel.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Digital Electronics: Advantages and Disadvantages

Digital electronics, or digital (electronic) ropes, represent heads by magnetic diskrete bands of parallel of latitude levels, rather than by a continuous range. All levels indoors a band represent the same signal state. Relatively small changes to the running(a) signal levels due to manufacturing tolerance, signal attenuation or parasitic disruption do not leave the discrete envelope, and as a result be ignored by signal state sensing circuitry.In most cases the matter of these states is two, and they argon represented by two voltage bands one near a reference value (typically termed as ground or zero volts) and a value near the supply voltage, corresponding to the false (0) and true (1) values of the Boolean domain respectively. Digital techniques are useful because it is easier to bother an electronic device to switch into one of a number of known states than to accurately reproduce a continuous range of values. Digital electronic circuits are usually made from large asse mblies of logic gates, simple electronic representations of Boolean logic functions.Advantages An advantage of digital circuits when compared to analog circuits is that signals represented digitally post be transmitted without degradation due to note. 2 For example, a continuous audio signal transmitted as a sequence of 1s and 0s, bottom of the inning be reconstructed without misapprehension, provided the noise picked up in transmission is not enough to prevent identification of the 1s and 0s. An hour of music foundation be stored on a compact disc using about 6 billion binary digits. In a digital system, a more precise representation of a signal can be obtained by using more binary digits to represent it.While this requires more digital circuits to process the signals, each digit is handled by the same kind of hardware. In an analog system, additional resolution requires fundamental improvements in the linearity and noise characteristics of each step of the signal chain. Compu ter-controlled digital systems can be controlled by software, allowing tonic functions to be added without changing hardware. Often this can be done outside of the factory by updating the products software. So, the products design errors can be corrected afterward the product is in a customers hands.Information storage can be easier in digital systems than in analog ones. The noise-immunity of digital systems permits data to be stored and retrieved without degradation. In an analog system, noise from aging and wear degrade the information stored. In a digital system, as long as the total noise is below a certain level, the information can be recovered perfectly. editDisadvantages In some cases, digital circuits use more energy than analog circuits to accomplish the same tasks, and so producing more heat which increases the complexity of the circuits such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the inclusion of heat sinks.In portable or placeed systems this can limit use of digital systems . For example, battery- powerfulnessed cellular telephones often use a low-power analog front-end to amplify and tune in the radio signals from the base station. However, a base station has grid power and can use power-hungry, but very flexible software radios. Such base stations can be easily reprogrammed to process the signals used in new cellular standards. Digital circuits are sometimes more expensive, especially in small quantities. Most useful digital systems must translate from continuous analog signals to discrete digital signals.This causes quantization errors. Quantization error can be reduced if the system stores enough digital data to represent the signal to the desired degree of fidelity. TheNyquist-Shannon sampling theorem provides an important guideline as to how ofttimes digital data is needed to accurately portray a given analog signal. In some systems, if a ace piece of digital data is lost or misinterpreted, the meaning of large blocks of related data can entir ely change. Because of the cliff effect, it can be difficult for users to tell if a particular system is right on the edge of failure, or if it can tolerate much more noise before failing.Digital fragility can be reduced by designing a digital system for robustness. For example, a parity buffalo chip or other error management method can be inserted into the signal path. These schemes help the system detect errors, and then either correct the errors, or at least ask for a new copy of the data. In a state-machine, the state transition logic can be designed to suck up unused states and trigger a reset sequence or other error recovery routine. Digital memory and transmission systems can use techniques such as error detection and correction to use additional data to correct any errors in transmission and storage.On the other hand, some techniques used in digital systems make those systems more vulnerable to single-bit errors. These techniques are acceptable when the underlying bits are reliable enough that such errors are highly unlikely. A single-bit error in audio data stored directly as linear pulse code modulation (such as on a CD-ROM) causes, at worst, a single click. Instead, many people use audio compression to save storage space and download time, even though a single-bit error may cross the entire song. A digital circuit is a circuit that functions on a number of different logic gates.The logic gates differentiate power signals. The power signals are then transferred to different parts of the digital circuit through other gates to take an output signal directly tending(p) to the energy level at the moment of signal input. Most digital circuits are comprised mainly of smaller analog components that, because of the logic gate occurrence, only pop off within a certain frame of voltages. Usually these operate at extremely low voltage signals. Digital circuits also require that the analog components situated throughout the circuit not be placed in a mann er that will allow them to perform analog functions.This usually means in that respect is a logic gate both before and after the analog component. Digital circuits are becoming more and more popular as engineering science requires the electronic devices used every day to become smaller and smaller, making the items more readily accessible regardless of location or circumstance. A digital circuit reacts quickly as power or signal is delivered to them, as long as the signal it receives is within the correct frame of voltage or energy. Digital circuits usually work best with low voltage signals, as they are more capable of handling these signals than higher voltages.Analog circuits typically require much more voltage behind the input signal to perform with the speed that digital circuits provide. An electronic circuit is composed of respective(prenominal) electronic components, such as resistors,transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes, connected by conductive wires or traces t hrough which electric current can flow. The combination of components and wires allows various simple and complex operations to be performed signals can be amplified, computations can be performed, and data can be moved from one place to another. 1 Circuits can be constructed of discrete components connected by individual pieces of wire, but today it is much more common to create interconnections by photolithographic techniques on a laminated substrate (a printed circuit board or PCB) and solder the components to these interconnections to create a finished circuit. In an integrated circuit or IC, the components and interconnections are formed on the same substrate, typically a semiconductor such as silicon or (less commonly) gallium arsenide. 2 Breadboards, perfboards or stripboards are common for testing new designs.They allow the designer to make quick changes to the circuit during development. An electronic circuit can usually be categorized as an analog circuit, a digital circui t or a mixed-signal circuit (a combination of analog circuits and digital circuits). analog circuit analog circuit, electronic circuit that operates with currents and voltages that vary continuously with time and have no abrupt transitions between levels. Generally speaking, analog circuits are contrasted with digital circuits, which function as though currents or voltages exist only at one of a set of discrete levels, all transitions between levels be ignored.Since most physical quantities, e. g. , velocity and temperature, vary continuously, as does audio, an analog circuit provides the best means of representing them. However, digital circuits are often preferred because of the ease with which their outputs can be manipulated by computers, and because digital signals are more robust and less subject to transmission errors. There are special analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog circuits to convert from one reference of signal to the other.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Thriller Narrative

This world is no longer for the innocent. The reflection of a devilish smirk glistened on the destroyer encased in heavy metalthe ultimate weapon, which would leave Moscow, nothing but a sheer memory, forever lost and to be feared.Well, professor I must agree that your creation certainly has been worthwhile said the cool, hollow voice.The huge figure fearlessly, towered his helpless victim, slumped on the concrete basement of St. Basils Cathedral. His grip on the seven-inch, range barrel pistol tightened, pointing directly at Daw intelligences throbbing temple, wholeness of Russias most prestige biochemist.Damn it you bloody bastard.go ondo itMy blood-shot eyes bulged, erupting in intense anger, as my captors grin widened, Oh believe me professor this is only just the beginning just the beginning? Of what you piece of shit? Your world-wide conquer?The careless watch over had nearly cost my life as the sudden blow of the pistol butt, sent me backwards, collapsing on the deadly wea pon. My agonizing cry echoed, as my jaw snapped swiftly, clenching the purpose of my tongue in between, smoothly chiseling it. The stab of pain spread through out(a) my withered body, paralyzing me. I stiffened from the shocking blow and touched the gash that was now ooze a dark crimson liquid, swamp in a metallic stench.His dark face grew serious as he precisely replied Youll soon moderate that even verbal resistance is futile.Fighting the difficulty to restrain my rising anger no longer I spat out youre blatantly committing valet de chambre rights violations empathizing each word with infinite rage.The tall figure once again, raised the pistol over my head bringing it down like a hatchet. merely then stopped and stared into me through his vulture-like, piercing sharp eyes, as if trying to penetrate my inner thoughts. He lowered his claw-like, lean arm and laughed. A hysterical, deadly laugh. A laugh that echoed, reaching every square inch of the murky basement and embeddin g inside my hollow mind.You foolbe warned, your insignificant words may cost your precious lifeWhat do you intend to do with me. You have no use of me anymore What more could you want?You will serve more than you realize, professorYou liar You son of a bitch liar We had a dealfor Gods sake I build what you wanted what more do you ask for I shrieked with insanity. management and patienceCut the crap you bastardif its me you wantfinish me End my miseryExecute you, no professor I intend to torture you to death he replied calmly, rejoicing as if he had won a pastry contest.He stepped out of the shadows, grabbing the front of my torn, withered shirt and glared dangerously into my eyes. For the first era in weeks, I captured his distinctive features his face was rough, consisting of high cheekbones, a round chin and a crooked, pointy nose. His cold sadistic look, enhanced by a broken nose and a scared forehead, displayed a face that had been recently brutalized. The pain of every achin g limb, devoured my sanity, as blood sipped out of my mouth, trailing down my chin and dripping on to my withered clothes. I was too traumatized, to notice the captor raising the gun up to my forehead and placing the cold mouth on my delicate temple.You have one more purpose to serve, before I get rid of you he said smirking.You wont gain anything keeping me captivefor Gods sake release Ignoring my screams, the captor simply gazed into my eyes and calmly stated his demand.Activate the destroyerBut all the innocent livesyou bastard. you cant possiblyThe pistol dug into my blood-drained skin, silencing myself, I staggered towards the metal encasement. Kneeling beside it, drenched in sweat, my skeletal fingers hovered over the keypad to insert the six-digit code. I hesitated. The captors finger on the trigger tightened.The better you cooperate will make your remaining time on Earth as painless as possible he sniggered.Leaving me no other choice, I foolishly followed as I was told utter ly ignoring the feature that Russias existence was in my hands. As I entered the final digit, an emerald light pulsed indicating the count-down for Russias demise had began.Rays of murky sunshine penetrated the dim cell, the first sign of light I had witnessed in weeks. But was too late, for my fears have lived. Very soon the deafening call for death would echo through my blank mind. Within a few proceeding.fifty nine minutes, the most hazardous biologically produced man-made chemical would be released, enough not only to kill millions. But enough to wipe out the entire human race of the Asian continent. And absolutely nothing could be done to impede it. Nothing.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

One girl one dream Essay

This k spic-and-span that this wasnt the end of the man, he would be affirm, solely next season I will hopefully be a bit more prep ard. Eleza is that you? Cried a soft articulatio Mum? Mum is that you? I didnt think it was possible Eleza I knew you would come dressing she replied I produce to go mum sorry, I cant dispirit close to you because it will rip you apart when I leave again, sorry I sh asideed while running away checkmate the street No Eleza no I cant cope without you screeched mum That was the last snip I ever saw my mum.Gun shots were fired shortly after I had left, and I sole(prenominal) if assumed that the police heard her and found out where she was hiding. I knew that the police would be after me soon so I searched refuge on the out skirts of the colonization, fortunately a couple were also on the run from the police so I went into a home with them, it wasnt an amazing home but at least it provided a roof everywhere my head and food for my empty stomach. Why are you running from the police? I questioned the couple,because of our religion, people here do not support our beliefs and say that we get intot belong in this community they pauseped, they were handout to say more but they could come upon that I was too tired to listen and so they rest my head in the cloth and rug bed they had made up for me, I thanked them. I started to shiver as it got later into the night so I feedd my bed closer to the raging fire to keep warm. I woke up the next morning still feeling incredibly tired because I didnt sleep very rise up. The couple were very sort to me, for breakfast they gave me a cup of milk and also a piece of bread.Once I had finished eating my food I told the couple what my situation was and what my plans are, they took it as quite a surprise but understood completely and til now arrive atered to befriend out. Knowing that they were old enough to earn a living I stayed along side them for more days. Later on that evening we gathered round the beaming fire and chatted for hours and hours, that was until there was a belted ammunition at the gateway, shh, Eleza hide quickly verbalise the couple silently. I tip toed towards the wooden gyp chest and climbed in. open up demanded a strong deep voice, The woman opened the door to the strange dark clothed man.on the floor, now he shouted again The did as he said, I couldnt watch everything but I could see by means of a little hole in the side of the chest. Even before the couple could wee-wee a chance to speak, the man shot them both in the head. As that bullet pierced into their skull I cringed and couldnt bare the sight, I wanted to cry but any noise could give me the same shot to the head. The strange dark man left, draw the 2 bodies behind him. I broke out of the toy chest and went to the bathroom I splashed water onto my face to revive my self, I knew it wasnt worth getting worked up about as I already had a mission to complete.But this incid ent honest made me more mulish to get back at the mayor. Whats next? Chapter 11 Screaming with silent rage I crept through the closure of murderers. My mind was spinning and I had headaches slicing in and out my skull. I noticed the mayor manner of walking down the street, I followed not too far behind, by the looks of it he was walking towards the quality, I wanted to go see if Oscar was ok but didnt want to chance getting caught. I gave up on following the mayor because he walked into a building and because just disappeared out of sight. I so focused on getting into the forest to see the construction so far.It had been raining the night before so the way up the hill was wet and slippery, I fell many times, but easily managed to get back up again. When I finally reached the top of the hill I saw that the construction hadnt progressed much at all. I went around back to see more, Eleza.. PST.. Eleza everywhere here came a whisper from behind. hey, how are you here, I saw yo u had a arrow in your back, you cant be alive I stepped back in shock, that was a tranquiliser, the guard saw me and assumed I was trying to steal the blueprint, so shot me simple mistake, Im sorry I scared you like that. are you still willing to dish me then? I wanted to get this over with so I wasnt going to laze about. dont worry about the building Eleza, since youve been gone I have spoken to the mayor and many arguments were fought, but I have managed to convince them to make the building eco friendly. It will cost a lot more money to make but you are the reason why many animals in this forest will be preserved and protected wholesome done thank-you for doing this for me, how can I re fabricate you for this? I mat incredibly apt that someone was inspired by me. come down to the mayors attainice with me tonight, I think he wants to talk to you replied the boy.are you mad I will be killed I shouted no seriously I can honestly say that you are safe with me, please trust me as I sure you before pleaded the boy I felt that if I didnt go then it would be mean because he had helped me out a great chaw and I should help him in return. ok then, but if anything should go wrong then may your thoughts be guilty for ever I accepted to see what the mayor wanted. I went off into the forest to get ready for tonight, I found Oscar beneath a big branch where we once stayed. He followed me down to the lake, I took a swim to clean off so not to get bad impressions with the mayor.The time passed and by the time I had dried off and got back to the construction site it was already time to go. come on then we best get a move on I said while already walking. We reached the mayors present house on time, we knocked on the door and waited for a response. Helping out- chapter 12 Enter please spoke a well mannered butler Just stay calm and when the mayor wants to talk then let him demanded the boy Hello Eleza, I have heard many stories of you, I under alkali that you like to stand up for what you believe in, am I right? said the mayor in a strong voiceYes, you are correct I answer in the simplest way possible I want you to do a favour for me, I will pay for your food and sleeping place, you wonder why, but I really do think that you have the courage we lead, do you think you can manage to stand up for what you believe in even if the opposition is bigger?. I thought for a while before proclaiming my reply, I would love to take insure of the responsibility of circumstances out, but do not understand why you would choose me to do this, I was being chased by your men the early(a) day, how can I know that I can trust you? I still wasnt convinced but if what he was saying was true then I would be overwhelmed and hopefully do a good job. Ok, I guess I should tell you now, I havent been completely smashing with you, I will look after the forest here for you, but you must leave to southern Africa to do a job for me, flight is stipendiary for, and you will be helping the green team to help decrease the amount of de forestation, and also in your free time you will be helping the smaller children in the trails but if you do not accept this then your precious forest will be burned to the ground for my house to be biggerSo the choice is yours. It wasnt much of a choice so I just did what I had to and agreed to go. I will go but Oscar must be able to fly over with me Im sorry but it is illegal for wild animals like Oscar to fly over on the plane with you I knew he was right so I just gave in, but made sure that he is promised to be looked after by the mayor. I looked back and went to talk to my friend, Ive never been to Africa, is this a nice place to be? I havent ever been either, but I do know that it is a third world country, with children that need your help replied my friend.The mayor went out the room and talked to another man about the trip, I was shacking but not because I was scared, just because I was filled with many e motions, I was actually quite excited. Journey and arrival chapter 13 I set off early the following morning and endured 12 long tiring hours on the flight to northern Africa, then another 9 hours on a checker to my destination. When I got off the train my legs were numb and floppy. When I arrived I was directed into a small long building and was told what I should do. The mayor explained that he is save here today then will be flying home tomorrow, and then he introduced me to my mentor.Eleza, I hope that your stay here will be pleasurable, my name is Mandisa please come meet our youngest residents in our village. I was taken into a disciplineroom where little children stared at the teacher, they gave her all their attention, there was no shouting, it was just calm nice place to learn. I didnt want to disturb them so instead I went into the village centre and saw just how labored it was for them to survive. Could I have a cup of water please? I asked a local The man said noth ing, he walked over to a well and scooped out a bucket of water, I went over to him, he handed me the bucket.Is this what you drink everyday? I wondered I looked into the bucket the water was cloudy with mark floating on the surface. This wasnt what I was expecting, I was hoping that the people hadnt been drinking this for too long, this water isnt drinkable and could kill if the wrong bits are drank. It is the end of the school day now, come with me to see the children said Mandisa I followed her to the categorizeroom again and met up with the kids, meeting them made me feel important, I felt like I was a vital part of their lives, and that I could make a difference to their lives.Hello, my name is Keon, whats your name? questioned a young boy Eleza, I am here to help you and your class friends out. Yay, no-ones ever come to our village before, other than Aitan, your mayor Is your mum going to pick you up from school? I just wanted to talk to him, I wanted to make friends. My mum is gone Keon fell silent and faced the ground she is gone, but my pascal is in the fields. I have to go my older sister has a disease and needs all the support she can get. Before I could get a chance to comfort him he was gone. I walked down the road and met up with Mandisa.Come come quick, its Keons sister She is in desperate need of help. I didnt rely, I just ran with her to his home. There was a huge gathering of people out side of the house me and Mandisa stepped into the sweltering house mount of sad people, the mood was unbearable and cries came from the room that Keons sister lay. I ran into the room and looked into the eyes of the girl, I could see that she was in a cycle of eonian pain I knew this was an incurable disease and couldnt help but feel sorry for the girl, at such a young age, (2 years junior than me and 3 years older than Keon.)I left the house and went to the little mud cottage where I was staying, I sat on the bed and relaxed, I cant stand emotional moments, it just brings back bad memories that Id rather not think about. There was a knock at the door, Hello, Eleza are you in there? sobbed a voice from behind the door, I went over to the door to find Keon looking at me then grasped my waist and burst into tears I hugged him for over 10 minutes before he let go and sat next to me on the bed and told me the sad news about his sister.His father kindly invited me to the funeral then took Keon back home to get some sleep. I was shattered and was shocked by how much happened to me in one day, and was glad when the day came to a close. But I was eager to see what tomorrow had in store for me. African life chapter 14 Eleza, Eleza time to get up whispered a soft voice in my ear I couldnt talk because my lips were so dry and crisp they remained sealed, I leapt out of bed. They gave me a towel and a bucket of water to wash my face with.The first job of the day was to cover a simple lesson of spell out I walked to the classroom with t he children and was introduced to them all. I then started off the lesson by asking each individual child what they think their abilities are, this helped me to know what their level of learning is currently. The teachers didnt have books to teach from, just a teacher that goes by memory. I didnt get an education so I wasnt doing anything too confused I just went over what I already knew. The school day wasnt very long because the children got too hot in the classroom, after the class Mandisa met me outside.She told me that I was here to make a difference to the peoples lives and that I should try to make some tasks up for myself to complete. I thought for just a few moments then decided what I was going to do next. Keon showed me around the village and pointed over to the forest, or what remained of it anyway. I told him that I will quetch against the men but I couldnt use force. I think I have a plan, what is the cutest creature in your forest? I questioned The sister monkeys are cute, they live high in the trees Keon replied Lets go then I shouted to him while running through the forest.Keon knew that there was only a slim chance that my plan would work and so he didnt get his hopes up. It took a while to spot any wildlife in the forest because the noise of the chainsaws had frightened them half to death, I crept up quietly to one of the babies, the mother was higher in the trees so she didnt see me coming, Keon gently displace down the monkey and handed it to me, then we walked for miles and miles to find the campsite of the tree murderers and once there Keon gave a good firm knock on the door and waited for a response.Whos there came a voice behind them I turned around quickly and addressed them, We are begging you please stop cutting down the trees, so many animals die because you have taken away their home and family, here is a monkey that is calling out for your help I had to make up a sad story about the monkey or it wouldnt take effect.I am just against it as you but we must do this otherwise we are out of jobs and wont be able to afford to survive. I could see that the man wasnt the kind to give up easily and so I diverted to the second plan,you know, we will always have a place for you in the village and even though you have had you arguments with them, Im sure if you stop cutting the trees down they will be happy to take you in. if this didnt work then we were screwed.This is something I will consider, it wont be immediate but you idea will not be discarded, dont come back, we will move Im due course. The turned and walked away into their house, we went back to the village and carefully put the baby monkey back exactly where we found it. I went back to my where I slept the night before and rested there.As I lay I thought about all the changes I could make to this village if I put my mind to it, I wasnt an adult, but the village treated me as one and made me feel wanted. This was when I knew, my dream has go away a r eality, I wanted to make a difference to the world and help those in more need than me. For once in my life I feel that I have done my parents proud and just wish that they could be here beside me. Everyday for over a month I got up and helped around the village, and every evening I would visit Keons mother and comfort her because the loss of her daughter was still on her mind.I had gone through so many adventures in my life and only in 1 year I had gone half way across the world and have witnessed life and death pass me by, and yet am still at a young age of 14, but my birthday is next week and the village kindly offered to have a little bonfire to celebrate, Keon even offered to sing a traditional African song called Kpanlogo this song had a strong center behind it but he wanted to sing it because it had a great tune to it. Free life takes a change chapter 15 Keon was now a big part of my life and was like a brother to me, his mum was a thoughtful woman and she welcomed me into her family.I took the job of permanently teaching his class and in the process I even taught myself new things and the children told me about the animals and wildlife that surrounds them. That night Mandisa walked up to me with tears building up in her eyes, she told me that the mayor said that I couldnt stay any longer, he needed help back home. So unfortunately my time in Africa came to an end. I was heartbroken to leave my new family, I felt like someone when I was there and didnt want to go.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Goal Setting Theory

Research conducted in this field has indicated that thither is a positive relationship between destination screen background and performance outputs. The prime principles of the aim setting system state that made refinement setting needs to be assessed on five dimensions finale clarity, finishing challenge, finish commitment, performance feedback, and business complexity. The insights Of the empirical studies treated in this paper imply that when goal setting is done correctly and good throughout separately stage, it leads to a signifi send awayt increase in penury.Various methods and strategies have been developed to complement the goal setting theory, an example world, the popular mnemonic acronym S. M. A. R. T. Which uses the words specific, measured, achiev satisfactory, realistic, and timely to attention in eating powerful goals. Goal setting theory is both measurable and quantifiable. Empirical evidence from both experimental and field settings have back up th at the benefits (increase in employee performance, increase in employee want, increase in profits, etc. ) far outweigh the drawbacks (results from application error, organization costs, human resource attempts).Based off current query output and the abundance of research still conducted and revised on this theory, it can be concluded that the goal setting theory is an effective theory of motivation and, moving forward, will be a leader in employment motivation in North America. INTRODUCTION According to Calluss employee study, workplace disengagement is an august issue around the world. In North America, the region with the utmostest ratio of engaged workers comp bed to the rest of the world, the proportion of engaged workers is only 29% (Gallup, 2011).In separate words, the vast majority of workers argon not reaching their full potential. This has significant implications to the economy, companies, and individuals. With the great deal of emphasis on productiveness in todays marketplace, managers deep down organizations are forever meddlesome for effective strategies in motivating staff to achieving organizational goals. The theory of motivation discussed in this paper will be the goal-setting theory, which is arguably one of the most sovereign theories in the field of motivation with over a thousand articles and reviews published within the last 30 to 40 years (Lethal, 2006).The objective of this paper is to set out a summary and evaluation Of the goal setting theory of motivation. The paper will be divided into two sections. The first section will discuss the foundation of the theory along with its main tenets. The second section will provide real life examples of the theory application and critically examine the applicability of the theory in the North American managerial workplace supported by empirical work. FOUNDATION OF THEORY The foundation of the goal setting theory was first developed and refined by the American psychologist, Edwin Loc ke, in the 1 sass.Locke was inspired by the final cause in Arterioles theory of causality, which states that for the sake of which or can be defined as the end or purpose of something. Stemming from Aristotle theory, Locke continued to research on goal setting for thirty years. With the contribution of Locke and other scientists, this theory has now been popularized and become one of the most widely used horses regarding motivation. During Lockers primary research, he studied the relationship between goal setting variables and task performance.There were two major sets of initial studies conducted the clog of the goal ( touchy versus comfortable), and the specificity of the goal (specific versus vague) goals. He concluded that difficult goals led to high performance than easy goals, given that the difficulty was within an attainable limit. His second conclusion was that specific goals were more than effective than vague ones (Locke, 1968). Following Lockers study, Gary Lathes r esearch established animal conclusions in his workplace there was indeed a link between goal setting and workplace performance.Together, in 1990, they published their seminal work in a book called A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance (Locke & Lethal, 1990). Along with the two original characteristics of successful goal setting, three additional characteristics have been identified as crucial. The goal setting theory is now guided by five principles goal clarity, goal challenge, goal commitment, performance feedback, and task complexity. The following paragraphs will shortly discuss each of the five principles and the supporting research.TENETS OF THE THEORY Research indicates that clear goals can reduce absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover, which all aid in increasing organizational productivity (Locke & Lethal, 2002). A clear goal is defined as being specific and measurable. As Locke mentions in his paper, when the goal is specific and measurable, it provides an external reference such as a time frame, which reduces overall ambiguity (Locke & Lethal, 2002). In six of the eight studies that Locke conducted, the aim of performance was significantly higher in the group that was given a specific goal compared to the group that was given a vague goal.An example of a specific goal would be to complete X amount in Y time and a vague goal would be to do your best. Another primary issue researched on goal setting was the goal challenge or difficulty. In a meta-analysis of goal setting studies, easy goals were defined as those with greater than 50% probability of attainment and moderate goals being 16%-D% probability of attainment (Klein et al. , 1999). When participants were given these two types of goals, data indicated that, harder goals resulted in higher levels of performance (Klein et al. , 1999).Optimally, a goal should not be too difficult o a point where it is unattainable and motivation suffers (Bennett, 2009). However, overall on average, the per formance level in individuals with higher goals was still significantly higher than those with rattling easy goals (Klein et al. , 1999). This can be explained by the idea that high goals lead to high performance, which is associated with rewards, and rewards often result in high satisfaction. In other words, individuals are motivated by more difficult goals because of the anticipated accomplishment involved (Locke & Lethal, 2002).Goal commitment has been said to be a secondary characteristic cause it interacts with goal difficulty to produce performance. It has been found that commitment is crucial for difficult goals, but does not necessarily result in high performance when given an easy goal (Klein et al. , 1999). In a review of the literature, on average across all goal difficulty, it has been concluded that the higher the level of goal commitment, the higher the level of performance output (Klein et al. , 1999). Commitment to a goal can be increased when the goal is individual ly set or when the individual agrees to the assigned goal.In environments with high group cohesion, goal ointment of individuals is also found to be high because of the strong influence of group norms (Locke & Lethal, 1991). Furthermore, self-efficacy is also a topic often discussed when relating to goal setting. Self-efficacy refers to an individuals judgment of their own ability to perform particular activities given their level of skill and ability (Bandeau, 1986). As this is a topic in and of itself, it is important to on the dot note here that self-efficacy plays an important role in goal commitment.A higher level of self-efficacy in relation to goal attainment (I. E. If the individuals believes he can light upon the goal) exults in a higher level of goal commitment (Lethal & Locke 1991). Performance feedback is necessary for goal setting to be effective because it helps individuals gauge how well they are doing and the adjustments required for improvement. It has been found that when people know they are below their target, they are most likely to increase their effort or devise a impertinently scheme (Lethal & Locke, 1991 Feedback can be provided both during the process of achieving the goal or after the outcome.Additionally, feedback is also linked to increasing self-efficacy, which in turn leads to a higher performance (Lethal & Locke, 1991). Finally, in 1 996, Lethal examined the relationship between complex goals and performance levels. It was found that complex goals result in higher learning within individuals and thus led to a higher performance when compared to less complex goals. This can be explained by the idea that performance is not always achieved because of effort and persistence, but rather due to the cognitive understanding of the task and the development of various methods in solving the complex task (Lethal & Locke, 1991).Although this condition has to be communicate with care, complex tasks have been found to have an overall pos itive effect on reference levels (Lethal, 1996). THEORY IN ACTION The history of workplace motivation was initially driven by the belief that money was the primary source for employee motivation, but it was later found that various factors are motivators in determining workplace satisfaction, which is a predictor of job performance (Lethal, 2006).In the following decades, it will be crucial for leadership around the world to address the issue of workplace disengagement. In an organization, managers do not have the time and resources to constantly keep track of an employees work or motivation. Most organizations use some form of goal setting in operation. Setting goals implies that there is a need or desire to attain a certain object or outcome (Locke & Lethal 2006). In essence, goals tell employees what needs to be accomplished and how much effort should be exerted.In the North American workplace, the direction of the goal setting theory appears to be an effective strategy in motiva ting staff to meeting organizational goals this explains the abundant amount of evidence in us port of the theory and the various strategies constantly being developed. Based off of goal setting theory by Locke and Lethal, a popular mnemonic acronym developed for effective goal setting is S. M. A. R. T by George Doran. The outlined criteria for S. M. A. R. T. Goal setting states that goals should be specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and time-bound.There have been other variations of S. M. A. R. T. That are also interchangeable such as using achievable and pertinent instead of assignable and realistic, respectively. These goal-setting criteria can all be linked back to the five principles summarized by Locke and Lethal and is a popular management strategy used in the workforce. The implications of new strategies and discoveries suggest that goal setting is not an innate attribute that individuals are born tit. It a skill that can be taught, learnt, and practiced.The resou rces required by an organization to train its employees on successful goal setting is practical and the return can be significant. Large organizations such as General Electric (GE) and Federal Express Company (Faded) have also implemented this theory in their organizations. GE applies goal setting theory in all levels of the organization and refers to goal setting as a key ingredient of their success. After a trial run, Faded found that employees had greater accountability, clearer expectations, and more precise feedback towards their jobs. The initiative was then executed throughout other departments in the organization.In Locke and Lathes report, they found truck drivers saved the company $250,000 in 9 months when the logs loaded on the trucks were increased as a result of upping the assigned goals (Locke & Lethal, 2002). In 1967, it was found that, United Fund communities that set monetary goals higher than the previous years performance embossed more money than communities that set goals lower than their previous years performance. More recent studies show, negotiators who have clear, challenging, and complex goals achieve higher profits than those with no goals (Locke &Lethal, 2002) and telecom employees that set specific high goals had higher job satisfaction and high performance (Locke & Lethal 2002). These are just a few empirical examples of successful goal setting evidence in this field. The goal setting theory is especially prominent in individualistic cultures such as North America. This can be explained by the notion that goals have the ability to function as a self-regulatory mechanism that helps individuals prioritize tasks also why managers widely accept goal setting as a means to improve and sustain performance (Dublin, 2012).The insights to all he studies show that when goal setting is done correctly and thoroughly throughout each stage, it significantly increases motivation, which is then associated with numerous other positive outcomes su ch as an increase in job satisfaction, an increase in organizational commitment, an increase in performance, and more (Locke & Lethal, 2002). Aside from the countless examples of goal setting successes, there are still some limitations and weaknesses of the theory. The goal setting theory cannot be applied in segments and because of that, the outcomes of the set goals can be different than the initial intent.For instance, if a goal is not clear (I. E. It does not address the specific and measurable outcome), it is easy for the individual to lose track of the goal and the goal may never be achieved. Another consequence of the goal being unclear, the performance feedback panorama of the goal can be difficult to execute because there is no measurable component and it will be challenging to determine the adjustments required. On the other hand, if the goal encompasses all five principles, but is too difficult, the individual will not be able to achieve it regardless. It may even result in a hindrance in motivation and performance.Apart from the error in application, some other weaknesses include individuals setting too many goals and not being able to follow through, individuals concentrating on only one goal and losing sight of the others resulting in tunnel vision, and individuals focusing too much attention on the outcome and forgetting active the process (Lethal, 2004). There are various extensions of the goal setting theory that are beyond the scope of this paper. Advances in the research are currently canted towards studying how other goal setting variables such as learning goals, goal framing, and subconscious goals, interact with reference (Lethal, 2004).

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Domestic Partnership Essay

The advantages gained by providing upbeats to internal checkmates can outweigh the embodys. This report will define domestic partnerships, draw the various benefits available for dependants, provide analysis cerebrate to the cost of providing benefits to dependants of domestic partnerships, discuss various benefit package options and related costs, and provide details related to the value the company stands to gain by pass much(prenominal) benefits.Domestic Partnership Domestic partnerships be generally thought of as a kind between deuce members of the akin sex. While same sex alliances garner most of the attention, domestic partnerships are non always between members of the same sex. California Family Code Section 297 defines domestic partners as two adults who have chosen to share one anothers lives in an intimate and committed relationship of mutual caring. To establish a domestic partnership in California, a couple must burden a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the Secretary of the State, share a plebeian residence, not be married or in a domestic partnership with someone else, not be related by blood, both are over the age of 18, both are the same sex, or paired sex over the age of 62 and meet the eligibility criteria under the Social Security Act. Legal Issues currently, 18 pleads vortex domestic partner benefits for same-sex partners of state employees.Several state and local governments that offer health indemnity and other benefits to employees unmarried domestic partners are currently facing lawsuits. Proponents of the Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMA) claim these intact amendments prohibit governments from offering such benefits to any dependent of a relationship that does not fit the states constitutional definition of marriage. Both gay-rights advocates and the American Civil Liberties Union dispute such amendments and are currently engaging DOMA proponents in courts across America in attempts to resolve their differen ces (Gentile, 2006).The costs associated with defending such legal matters can prove to be very cumbersome. Types of Employer Benefits When seeking employment, benefit packages play a study role in attracting and keeping employees. Employer benefits consist of more than the basic medical, alveolar consonant consonant, and vision plans. A variety of special benefits being sought after by potential employees include, but are not limited to, retirement plans, life indemnity and the family medical leave act. To qualify for domestic partner benefits, employees may be asked to point a statement or submit an affidavit asserting they live with a domestic partner and are financially interdependent (Greenwald, 2003). Health insurance For most nonelderly people in the United States, health insurance and access to health care derive from ones own or a family members employment (Ash and Badgett, 2006). In all fairness, these types of benefits should be offered to these types of families under the current guidelines of Domestic Partnership. twain levels of benefits are offered by employers, single reportage and family insurance coverage. Single employees are at a disadvantage when it comes to stipend because some employers offer their employees a flexible benefit to assist with costs. These benefits will include all the same privileges that legally recognized families are currently receiving. The entitlement shall consist of doctors visits, prescription drug coverage, hospitalization, and essence exams (Briggs, 1994). Dental Benefits Dental care is an essential benefit which should be available to all family members. Preventive dental care could significantly reduce loss of productivity and catch problems before they become chronic or severe (Gustin, 2003). Dental benefits are very affordable and valuable. One available option is for this company to offer dental as a voluntary option. This would enable the employees and their domestic partner to take advantage of the dental plan at a group rate, but the employee would be responsible for the cost (Gustin, 2003). retreat/401K Retirement Plans and 401Ks are benefits that are only available to employees however, choosing beneficiaries is a very important detail to these plans. Although domestic partners cannot be given all of the rights of spouses, plans can be structured to provide them with many of the benefits available for spouses (Davis, 2007). In addition to being named as beneficiary, a hardship withdrawal can be taken establish on the need of the domestic partner, and domestic partners will have the right to rollover death benefits (Davis, 2007). Life Insurance Employee life insurance is available at a more affordable rate through employer plans. Adding family members is an facultative benefit.Under this plan, domestic partners and children would be entitled to life insurance coverage for just pennies a day. This would grow no expense for the employer and the employee would benefit fr om a group rate. Cost to Employees and Employers The cost of healthcare is on the nurture and no end to this crisis is in sight. Most people believe all employers should offer health insurance to its employees however, with the cost of healthcare so high companies who offer these benefits are trying to find ways to explode costs. If all employers did offer health, dental, and life insurance, who would cover the cost?A survey administered by the Commonwealth stock titled The Publics Views on Healthcare Reform in the 2008 Presidential Election asked that research to 3,500 randomly selected adults. 70% of people surveyed thought the cost should be shared equally between the employer, employees, and the government. 80% of the people surveyed also thought that if an employer did not offer health insurance they should contribute to the cost of coverage (Lubell, 2008). Tax Equity The Tax Equity for Domestic Partner and Health Plan Beneficiaries Act of 2007 was introduced bound 29, 200 7.The act states employers offering healthcare insurance have to provide healthcare coverage to domestic partners, same-sex or opposite sex. This law has been added to stop federal tax inequalities same-sex couples currently face when receiving healthcare benefits offered by their employers (Postal, 2007). The vernal law significantly affected employers in the Northeast and Western states because 42% of larger companies in the Northeast, and 38% of companies in the West have same-sex domestic partner healthcare coverage. Only 14% of large companies in the Midwest and 10% of companies in the south have this type of coverage (Cohen, 2004).Dual Coverage Because the cost of healthcare has ontogeny 15% since 2003, some states in the U. S. have prohibited employees from claiming their spouses/domestic partners as dependents thus, prohibiting triple coverage in the workforce. Banning dual coverage for these employees saves the state tax give iners several million dollars per year whil e the employees and their families have suitable health insurance coverage. Employees rely on dual health insurance coverage to cover out of pocket costs resulting from procedures which are not fully covered by their primary carrier.Dual coverage insurance can save families hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per year, but can potentially cost the employer hundreds or thousands more (Employer-Sponsored, 2004). Annual Cost According to a research study runed by The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Education Trust in 2006, private employers nationwide fell an average of $4,242 for single coverage and $11,480 for family coverage on employer sponsored health insurance coverage yearlyly (Employer Health, 2006).Whether the employee is a single hetero-sexual or homo-sexual the rate for single coverage remains the same. The same for family coverage, the married hetero-sexual couple and the same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partners family coverage cost also rema ins the same. Employees are paying an average of $1,860 for single coverage and $4,848 for family coverage annually. These costs are causing employers to raise workers insurance premiums or reduce coverage. Some companies perform internal audits to eliminate ineligible dependents, older children, and ex-spouses/ex-domestic partners.If an employer finds dependents on an employees insurance that should not have been covered, the employee is required to pay back medical bills and insurance premiums through payroll deductions (Employer-Sponsored, 2004). Using information from these internal audits employers may punctuate a slight domestic partner enrollment increase 0. 1%-0. 3% for gay and lesbian partners and 1. 3%-1. 8% for heterosexual partners. The increase in enrollment does not significantly affect the annual cost to the employer for employer-sponsored benefits provided to domestic partners and their families (Ash and Badgett, 2006).Benefits to the Company Healthcare continues to be a concern to both employees and employers. Employers are developing and offering programs and incentives to attract various types of workers, including those in domestic partner relationships, to attract more qualified candidates. make benefits available to an employees domestic partner, a company is likely to hire and retain an employee whose work payoff is optimal. Employees in a domestic partner relationship appreciate their employer considering their particular need which results in a higher production rate. Davis 2007). Increased Productivity An employee who is healthy and has a healthy family is less likely to forebode in sick and take unnecessary time off to care for his or her family. In a study conducted by Ipsos-Reid (2004), two main contributors to employee absenteeism are depression and stress. Health benefits made available to an employee and his or her domestic partner can help reduce these factors. Mark Cauthen, benefit manager for the city of carbon monoxide Springs, believes if ones dependents feel better, the employee is more productive and focused at work (Wojcik, 2007).Preventative Measures some(prenominal) companies have recognized the importance of helping employees manage their work and personal lives. Some of the more common preventive measure benefits currently being offered to employees, their domestic partners, and other immediate family members residing in the home are wellness, flu shots, and fitness programs. Offering these various programs help the employee feel the employer cares for the health of his or her family resulting in increased productivity (Meghji 2007). Lower attrition ratesAn employer must also be concerned with the effect of employee retention. Currently 50% of Fortune 500 companies are providing benefits to employees involved in same sex domestic partnerships and heterosexual partnerships. Conclusion Offering benefits to domestic partners makes good business sense. While providing benefits to domestic pa rtners may slightly increase employer cost, the benefits will prove profitable. As the research has indicated, enrollment will increase slightly which will not pose a financial hardship to any corporation.

Monday, May 20, 2019

A1 – Include a Reflective Account of the Role of the Practitioner

The role of the practitioner in supporting the cultivation take ins of children is they have to do unfluctuating assessments on their development and acquisition to identify their progress and plan their next steps Beaver, et . al, (2008). The Early long time Foundation Stage (EYFS), (2008) states that the role of the practitioner is crucial in observing and reflecting on childrens get outing play, building on this by planning and providing a challenging milieu which supports specific beas of childrens learning and extends and develops childrens language and communication in their play. design appendix ?. another(prenominal) role of the practitioner is to work professionally and responsibly such as to work as part of the team, work with p arnts and partners, participate in providing an environment that is welcoming and stimulating and to meet the learning needs of each individual child by providing a range of activities and experiences Tassoni, et . al, (2007). See appendix ?.Another role of the practitioner is to ensure they comply with the codes of practice that protect the employee, these could tinct to storage of information, smoking and consumption of alcohol, recruitment procedures, professional development , workplace conditions such as hazards and temperature, riskiness assessments and equality of opportunity Tassoni, et . al, (2007). See appendix 2. Following policies and procedures is another role of the practitioner they help practitioners to delight out responsibilities and ensure that everyone in the setting including children, parents, staff and other professionals remain safe.Examples of policies are Health and prophylactic policy, Equal Opportunities policy, Behaviour Management policy and Child Protection policy Tassoni, et . al, (2007). See appendix ?. Another role of the practitioner is to make sure children well-being is at the heart of everything they do and offer learning experiences appropriate to the development stage, inter ests and learning styles of each individual child Enable early years breeding and consultancy, (2010). See appendix ?.Another role of the practitioner is to work with and involve parents, as parents are the people that hunch their child best and they will be able to inform you of any particular interests the child enjoys, this will help practitioners to plan activities and experiences Beaver, et . al, (2008). Appendix ?. Another role of the practitioner is to respecting confidentiality of private information involving children and their families. To respect confidentiality practitioners need to keep all nformation close a child and family safe and should stored in a locked filling cabinet or on a password protected computer, this is to ensure that no information is disclosed, if information about a child was to be disclosed it could bring unnecessary upset or strain on the entire family Tassoni, et . al, (2007). See appendix ?. Another role of the practitioner is to meet the div erse needs of children slang appendix 51. The DCSF, (2008) states that practitioners should meet the needs of each individual child by delivery personalised learning, development and care to help children get the best start in life.It also says that practitioners need to promote controlling attitudes to diversity and difference with all children. Being pondering is another role of a practitioner, this means intellection about effective you have been in planning activities or communicating with parents. By being reflective practitioners will be able to think about how to repeat something that has worked well or how to improve for next time Tassoni, et . al, (2007). See appendix ?.Being a reflective practitioner makes you aware of their strengths and weaknesses and identifying what they could do differently. There are many benefits of being a reflective practitioner for both themselves and the child some include skills are developed, personal development, more confident benefits f or the child include their individual needs are more possible to be met, practitioners will have a greater understanding of how to support their development Barber and Paul-Smith, (2009). See appendix ?.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Humorist Essay

Humor is all well-nigh a person making an amusing observance that in result creates laughter and provides entertainment for the audience. In the book titled Status Anxiety by Alain de Botton, the author makes a estatement that the role of humor in society is to allow people to prescribe things that other people can non or will not say because of their role in the community.I agree with de Bottons statement because humor secretly allows people to get a message across without having to worry about others looking down upon you because of what you said, as well as providing people with more awareness of the wrongdoing in society by making them easier to understand through the use of humor. In basic comedy, humor is in effect used to bring forth a message that is possibly dependable or controversial by making it amusing and easier to understand.De Botton clearly makes a stand that humorists are not only here to sport and amaze, but are here to convey with impunity messages that might be dangerous or impossible to state directly. In this quotation, de Botton states that comedy can and is frequently used as a secret method to give thoughts and observations that may be thought of as insulting if brought up in a serious manner. Steven Colbert for example, uses humor to make serious comments about our country. He states his opinions about the government and major news stories as yet does so with comedy to back him up.When talking about the war in Syria, Colbert said that Only 29% of Americans want the U. S. to attack Syria which on the plus side means that 29% of Americans know there is a place called Syria. Colbert uses humor to convey a message about how ill-informed people in our country are. He says this with a tone that also implies that the vast majority of people who are ill-informed simply dont care at all. The basic component of what makes humor and comedy an essential factor in a society is that although the presentation is not necessarily taken serious ly, the message and ideas behind the natural are forever and a day easy to recognize.In regards to humor, humorists dont cave in to worry about being polite or feel for for their audience. They are allowed and accepted as being funny for having quality material that contains offensive and explicit language. Their noted reputation for being indiscreet to its own audience is what makes humor an effective tool in society. For one, humorists have the ability and responsibility of making its audience laugh. But it also has the capability to allow the audience to link up the humorists material to their own thoughts, thus allowing them to openly express themselves through laughter and enjoyment.It also has the potential to stir people to think in a different sense. Through comedy, a humorist can readily change ones views or opinions of a certain subject or blood by making that argument more entertaining and funny. By making an underlying message laughable, it makes it easier for t he audience to understand what the message of the material is actually conveying. De Bottons opinion of the vitality of humor in a society is true in that it is necessary, because it helps not only fulfill peoples entertainment and expressive needs, but it also serves a purpose as an legal instrument of spreading a message to its audience.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Managing a diverse workforce

Managing a Diverse Workforce Our society is becoming more diverse. We can see hoi polloi from different nation or different racial in our daily life, this situation is more pellucid in school and employment, especially in multinational. A diverse workforce combines employees from different nations, ethnic and sexual urge that together create a more creative, innovative, and productive workforce. Many companies see workplace diversity as an investment toward building a better byplay.However, although workplace diversity can help more establish more profits, it also brings some disputes to employees and managers. Below are several common challenges often happened in workplace diversity. First challenge is poor communication (Holt, n. D. ). Workplace diversity often has employees from various backgrounds and experiences. Sometimes, those employees do non have common language. Therefore, it caused difficulties for employees to communicate with each other, and lead to misundersta ndings and a decrease in productivity.Second challenge is shelter (Holt, n. D. ). Although oracle diversity can help company make more profits, some employees or business owners may not want to make any change, because those people only want to stay in their comfort zone. Therefore, making diversity in workplace without any plan may cause prejudicial impacts, such as decrease productivity, damage morale and lead to bad workplace environment. Third challenge is discrimination. Employees may discriminate against others because those employees think they are better than others.There are several types of discrimination may happened in workplace. For example, local employees may discriminate against foreign employees because local employees think they have geographical advantages, male may discriminate against female because male think they are better than female, white may discriminate against coloured or yellow because white think they are superior than them. There are too many pos sible discrimination may happen in workplace. For managing a diverse workplace, some companies use affirmatory action to maintain the diverse in workplace.

Friday, May 17, 2019


The Notion of Kairos While we in the present day are centre with using the word succession, the Early Greeks made the distinction between two very variant nonions of this concept. The first one, Chronos, refers to a linear and quantifiable time, whereas the second, Kairos, denotes the idea of the right time to take an fulfil, or to stimulate a speech on a particular topic for instance. Comparing Kairos and Chronos raises the question of the role of Kairos in human agency. In m any cases, the morsel of the exertion appears to be more key than the litigate itself.In fact, Kairos is an probability for men to have agency in a world usually dictated by fate. In this way, Kairos restores freedom to human lives that would otherwisewise be predetermined. Finally, it is interesting to notice that there does not endure a modern font English translation for Kairos, which seems to suggest that it is a concept that does not have a show up in modern society and thus in our modern a greement of time. Chronos and Kairos oppose each other in many ways.. Whereas Chronos refers to sequential time, measurable and regular, Kairos denotes qualitative time, or a favorable jiffy.Moreover, unlike Chronos, Kairos is unorthodox and discount only be revealed thanks to the correct interpretation of external signs, hence the impression that it is fixed egressside of Chronos. The opportune moments Kairos provides are neither measurable nor predictable, and cannot be located on a measure or on any similar device. Thus, to a certain extent, Kairos seems to be a timeless time. The Hippocratic Corpus, a group of texts said to be written by Hippocrates, exemplifies the importance of Kairos to the ancient Greeks in popular life.The author writes that the success of the care for a doctor administers to a patient depends greatly on the time or moment that the medicine is given. While the success of the touch on used is also subject on different characteristics of the patient s eubstance, it is the moment that the remedy is used that is the most important. Indeed, Kairos cannot be placed in a larger temporal framework because it does not relate to the notions of past and future. For this reason, Kairos can only exist in the present. This is why a physician does not try to redict how a disease will evolve, except instead attempts to predict in which Kairos, or critical phase he is in at the moment of his medical checkup examination. For example, in the case of an overpowering heaviness of the head, water, or at most a pale-yellow wine should be administered. While this quote may seem to describe the way doctors apply medicine today, it is in fact a description of a very different system. Rather than seeking a connection between the note and the medicine, ancient doctors felt there was a connection between the symptom and the moment of Kairos it exists in.Different symptoms indicated different moments of Kairos which then dictated how the patient ough t to be treated. Furthermore, these moments of interpretation are deeply anchored in the present, as it is the only time (as opposed to past and future) in which action can be taken. This is to suppose that Kairos is the moment in which a man can escape his fate, which otherwise rules his life. Fate is always associated with Chronos time, which can be predicted and unavoidably evolves from past to future consort to a predetermined development.In contrast, Kairos time allows for spontaneous action based on temporal opportunities. Since in Chronos time, the present is already determined by the past, there is neer a true moment of freedom. Sophocles play Oedipus at Colonus presents an illustration of this predestination Thy tale of cruel paltry For which no cure was found, The fate that held thee bound. Here the Chorus addresses Oedipus, clearly expressing the idea that his life, just as that of anybody else, is confine by fate, which he cannot escape.Chronos is the father of al l the Olympian Gods, represented as a wise aged(prenominal) man, and kn declare as Father Time. In contrast to this image of Chronos, Kairos is represented dancing, holding the scales of fate in his left field hand with his right hand, he is tipping the scale in one direction or the other. This clearly shows his ability to liberate moments from fate and his detachment from Chronos. Because of this, the moment of the action is often emphasized more than the action itself.This is evident in the Hippocratic Medical Corpus This is the time for administrating gruel that must be most carefully observed Consider this time of great importance in all diseases From this quote, it is clear that the most important factor in the administration of medicine is not the disease the patient has, just now the moment the remedy will be given. This moment must occur at the right time, during the right phase of the illness, in order for the remedy to be successful. The same can be said about Pindar s Pythian 4, an ode to the higher-up of the Pythian games.In Pythian 4, Pindar spends more time describing the process that led the heroes to go on an expedition in search for the gold fleece at the moment they did than he does describing their exploits, which are only summarized. This example is particularly interesting in that through those feats, Jason, the hero of the myth, and his companions will achieve kleos, and will thus transcend Chronos time. However, it is the fact that the expedition left at the right moment that seems important to Pindar, or at least more important than the exploits.In an example such as this one, Kairos does seem to be treated as the agent of the action, or at any rate, as responsible for its success. This gives Kairos an extremely important role, in rehabilitating mans freedom. Indeed, without the existence of Kairos, human beings would be trapped in their fate without any power over their destiny. Kairos is an opportunity and a critical moment, p recisely it is also the due measure that allow humans to influence on the course of their own existences. However, Kairos only allows men to take action it does not take action for them.This is evident in the medical star Physicians generally make the change from fasting to gruel exactly at those clock at which often it is profitable to exchange gruel for what is virtually fasting. One can imagine that relying on such a mode could have led to serious mistakes. The nature of Kairos is such that these mistake could easily have disastrous consequences, for which the physician, and not Kairos, would be responsible. Indeed, Kairos alone is not sufficient for a patient to heal, or for an action to be carried out with success.In order for an action to succeed the individual must act in the right moment scarce must also act correctly. In the medical corpus example, giving gruel could probably have been beneficial, but was not because it was given to the patient at the wrong phase of ti me. This also is why the medical corpus says medications listed can only be efficient in the proper time of their use. In this way, Kairos is a necessary condition, but is in no way sufficient on its own. The positive outcome of an action therefore does not only depend on Kairos, but on the correct interpretation of Kairos.Thus, a wide physician is not one who knows all the different names of every disease, a good physician is one who above all else can read a patients body in order to recognize the phase of time the disease is in, and thus determine what should be done. This is why, according to a passage of the Hippocratic Corpus, every physician should learn the changes of the seasons and the risings and settings of the phenomena in order to learn the times beforehand, which will allow him to succeed best in securing health, and will achieve the greatest triumphs in the practice of his artOur modern concept of time leaves no place for Kairos. The word cannot be translated into m odern English, and even the concept requires a fair amount of explanation, since it falls so outside of the realm of our understanding of both time and fate. The closest word to Kairos in the English language would most likely be the word, opportunity While opportunity brings the way moments in Kairos function with humans agency, it does not fully convey the temporal dimension of Kairos. In modern day society, opportunities are not necessarily always dependent on small windows of time and are often not spontaneous.In this sense, it appears that we can only talk of an opportunity, but not of the moment in which that opportunity takes place. This is to say that the same way Kairos seems marooned from Chronos, our opportunity is detached from time altogether. However, even today, moments of Kairos, though not intentionally, are often taken into consideration when a finality is being made about an action. For example, politicians often read the signs of the political environment or s ocial ambience before making a speech on a particular topic.Similarly, humans use Kairos in everyday interactions as we constantly anticipate each others responses based on the moments we retrieve each other are experiencing. Though Kairos seems unfamiliar and strange in modern society, it is not a concept we are altogether unfamiliar with. 1 . Hippocratic Corpus, Regimen in Acute Diseases p. 79 2 . Sophocles, Oedipus At Colonus 3 . Hippocratic Corpus, Regimen in Acute Diseases p. 79 4 . Hippocratic Diseases, Regimen at Acute diseases p. 97 5 . Hippocratic Corpus, Regimen In Acute Diseases p. 119