Thursday, August 29, 2019

Curiosity †Did God create the universe? Essay

The movie, â€Å"Curiosity – Did God create the universe?† really caught my attention. For the reason that the title speaks for the question that has been going on debate for ages itself. It is also well verse about how scientists cope up with this result, with this theory, and with this conclusion and on how they overcome various challenges and obstacles they have encountered by getting the answers to their questions. It also talks about how Steven Hawking unfolds his personal, compelling vision about this question which he referred as of the greatest mystery which science could once prove. I really found the movie quite intriguing because the argument between the church and to those of science hasn’t been cease though it has been going since I’ve far remembered. It is also very informative because I have learned many things about the persons behind this greatest discovery, lurking behind their shadows while knowing on what they did do to arrive with this theory. I am also amuse with this movie, it is not because I consider some people in the movie ignorant but because it is somewhat like a timeline; seeing and watching those proud scientist working and striving hard just to reach their goal. At the first part of the movie it talks about the Vikings, telling us a little knowledge of their mythology. On how do they consider the natural phenomena by which the moon comes between the earth and the sun, thus casting its shadows to the earth while covering the face of the sun? They thought that it was because one of their gods, Skuld, which who devours the sun. So they make some noise somewhat like a ritual to drove away Skuld’s anger and to let the sun appear again which we eventually know that it doesn’t makes sense. Later on, they introduce a philosopher who dated back ago around 300 B.C who came upon a realization that the earth was not the center of the solar system and concluded that it was the sun and it was only the planet together with its natural satellite, we call moon, orbits around it and also calling those lights in the sky while at night as somewhat like similar to our own sun but just really far away from us. I couldn’t think on how do this certain philosopher came up with this answer by just sitting and observing the night sky without anything at hand to prove his answers. The next one is Galileo Galilee, the one who discovered that there are some heavenly bodies which orbits a planet. Nights after nights he observes this Planet which was now known as Jupiter. He first observe 2 satellites orbiting this planet, after some time it became 3 and thus become 4 but there were also times that one of this satellite disappear or in other words hide beneath the shadow of the planet. Unfortunately because of his discovery, he was imprisoned for the reason that it contradicts the Church. He was first sentence in a death row but later on it was lowered to a 9 years imprisonment. Though he asks forgiveness to the church but he still insisted that those satellites really do move and orbits around Jupiter. His works was then pursued by Albert Einstein, which formulated the formula E = MC ². According to Steven Hawking, there were only 3 things or ingredients to make a universe. The first one is Matter, anything that occupies space and has a mass. The second one is Energy, it is found around us. And the last one is Space. But for Einstein, this was only his basis. He did found out that Matter and Energy was somewhat like similar and thus he formulated the formula E = MC ². Summing up all this studies, Scientist came up with the Big Bang Theory. It was said that this theory consume matter and if it explodes it releases energy towards the space and thus created the universe. But the question is, before it explodes who or what thing triggered this event? For them there was no such thing as a trigger because relating to the sub-particles of an atom, protons and neutrons just appear from nothing. Hence they conclude that there was no time for a creator or a time for a creator to exist. For me this was big statement for the scientist to hold for it does contradict the church itself. Denying the fact for a creator to exist.

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