Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Secure Internet Banking Information System in Distributed and Research Paper

A Secure Internet Banking Information System in Distributed and Heterogeneous Computing Environment - Research Paper Example It will provide information regarding the investigation approach, method of data collection and analytical approach to be used in the study. In today's volatile environment banking and financial institutions are implementing information systems in order to achieve growth and increased market share. The implementation of Information Technology provides the benefits of increased reliability and accuracy by reducing the chances of failures in the business system. The interdependencies in the business can be managed better through the implementation of an information system. With the provision of economies of scale, implementation of Information Systems in a banking organization also leads to several other problems, which should be addressed for the maximization of benefits attached. It is important to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of security issues related to the implementation of secure online banking information system in a distributed and heterogeneous computing environment. Previous research in the field provides a recognized conceptualization regarding the information system as an important source of competitive advantage for service organizations. The organizations should take necessary steps in order to save the technology from being copied by other organizations (Barney, 1991). The open nature of information technology and the ability of competitors to gain access to the same technology do not allow the hard aspect of e-commerce to become a source of competitive advantage. The implementation of an information system in a bank leads to customer benefit by reducing the transaction costs and providing the customers with increased bargaining power. With the increasing awareness in the industry players regarding the information technology, it has become inevitable for the firms to find a competitive advantage in the soft aspect of information management (Brynjolfsson & Hitt, 2000). Even if hard elements are easily accessible, two possible sources of comp etitive advantage remain effective utilization of these hard technologies within the wider organization of the firm, and unique combinations of the soft organizational and hard systemic aspects of the e-commerce revolution. Organizations need to change to make optimal use of new technologies (Penrose, 1959).  Ã‚  

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