Monday, March 9, 2020

Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrology

Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrology Astronomy and astrology are two distinct subjects: one is a science, and one is a parlor game. However, the two topics are frequently confused. Astronomy, as well as the related field of astrophysics, covers the science of stargazing and the physics that explains how stars and galaxies work. Astrology is a non-scientific practice that draws connections between star positions to make predictions about the future. The work of ancient astrologers formed the basis for the star and navigational charts used by the ancients, as well as some of the constellations we know today. However, there is no scientific basis in todays practice of astrology. Key Takeaways: Astronomy vs. Astrology Astronomy is the scientific study of the stars, planets, and galaxies, and their motions.Astrophysics uses principles and laws of physics to explain how stars, planets, and galaxies form and function. Astrology is a non-scientific form of entertainment that draws connections between human behavior and the alignment of the stars and planets. Astronomy and Astrophysics The difference between astronomy (literally law of the stars in Greek) and astrophysics (derived from the words Greek words for star and physics) comes from what the two disciplines are trying to accomplish. In both cases, the goal is to understand how objects in the universe function.   Astronomy describes the motions and origins of the heavenly bodies (stars, planets, galaxies, etc.). It also refers to the subject that you study when you want to learn about those objects and become an astronomer.  Astronomers study the light emanating or reflected from distant objects.   in astronomy, the bright star Alpha Centauri and its surrounding stars are studied by both astronomers and in astrophysics in order to understand their characteristics. . This is a main sequence star, just as the Sun is. NASA/DSS Astrophysics is literally the physics of the many different types of stars, galaxies, and nebulae. It applies the principles of physics to describe the processes involved in the creation of the stars and galaxies, as well as learning what drives their evolutionary changes. Astronomy and astrophysics are definitely interrelated but are clearly trying to answer different questions about the objects they study. Think of astronomy as saying, Heres what all these objects are and astrophysics as describing heres how all these objects work.   Astrophysics tells scientists about how stars, such as the Sun, work. Astrophysicists may also study how the solar wind interacts with the planets, as shown here. NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center Despite their differences, the two terms have become somewhat synonymous in recent years. Most astronomers receive the same training as astrophysicists, including the completion of a graduate program in physics (although there are many very good pure astronomy programs being offered). Others begin in mathematics and gravitate to astrophysics in graduate school. Much of the work done in the field of astronomy requires the application of astrophysical principles and theories. So while there are differences in definitions of the two terms, in application it is difficult to distinguish between them. When someone studies astronomy in high school or college, they first learn purely astronomy topics: motions of celestial objects, their distances, and their classifications. A deeper study of how they work requires physics and eventually astrophysics. Astrology Astrology (literally star study in Greek) is largely regarded as a pseudoscience. It does not study the physical characteristics of stars, planets, and galaxies. It is not concerned with applying principles of physics to the objects it uses, and it has no physical laws that help explain its findings. In fact, theres very little science in astrology. Its practitioners, called astrologers, simply use the positions of stars and planets and the Sun, as seen from Earth, to predict  people’s individual characteristics, affairs and future. Its largely akin to fortune-telling, but with a scientific gloss to give it some kind of legitimacy. In truth, theres no way to use stars and planets to tell anything about a give persons life or loves. Its all very imaginary and fanciful, but some people do derive a lot of satisfaction from fiddling with it. The Ancient Role Astrology Played in Astronomy While astrology has no scientific basis, it did play a preliminary role in the development of astronomy. This is because early astrologers were also systematic stargazers who charted the positions and motions of celestial objects. Those charts and motions are of great interest when it comes to understanding how stars and planets move through space. Astrology diverges from astronomy when astrologers attempt to use their knowledge of the sky to predict future happenings in peoples lives. In ancient times, they did this mostly for political and religious reasons. If an astrologer could predict some wonderful thing for his or her patron or king or queen, they might get to eat again. Or get a nice house. Or score some gold.   The IAU constellation designation for Pisces includes the main pattern plus numerous other stars. The early astrologers used the green outline of the stars as a way to divide the sky up into houses, through which the planets would wander. Pisces is a Zodiac constellation, meaning a region of the sky that the Sun and planets appear to wander through. To astrologers, where a planet or the Sun was on the day of a persons birth had some meaning. But, today, there is NO measurable link between those objects and the person being born. IAU/Sky Telescope   Astrology diverged from astronomy as a scientific practice during the years of the Enlightenment in the Eighteenth Century, when scientific studies became more rigorous. It became clear to scientists of that time (and ever since then) that no physical forces could be measured emanating from stars or planets that could account for the claims of astrology. In other words, the position of the Sun, Moon and planets at a persons birth have no effect on that persons future or personality. In fact, the effect of the doctor assisting with the birth is stronger than any distant planet or star.   Most people today know that astrology is little more than a parlor game. Except for astrologers who make money off of their art, educated people know that the so-called mystical effects of astrology have no actual scientific basis, and have never been detected by astronomers and astrophysicists. Edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen.

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