Thursday, November 21, 2019

Write a final piece on your experience on this module (Developing work Essay

Write a final piece on your experience on this module (Developing work and study skills), - Essay Example With the module that I opted for I have been able to excel in my relevant subjects and achieve my goals respectively. I have been able to achieve the skills of auditing as now i know the relevant processes which are involved in the process. Gathering information and interpreting it in such a way that plagiarism does not take a role in it is an important feature of this module which I have learned to excel in. The module also allowed us to work as a group and thus it has developed my communication and group working skills. With different projects and assignments I have learned how to compose a report on the relevant topics. Similarly presentations have also formed an important aspect of this module through which I have learned to gain confidence and reflect on my views, goals and practices. Above all I have learned to manage time because of which I was able to complete all these tasks properly. However completing this module has not been as easy as it seems when telling about the achi evements and this is because of my weaknesses. But on the other hand my strengths have helped me to cope up with these weaknesses so that I can achieve my goal easily. First of all the main strengths that I possess are team working skills because of which I can be able to work as a leader. I can be able to lead a group of individuals to success as I possess the relative communication skills which can satisfy all my group members. Most of all the main thing that I have learned from this course will help me a lot and that is time management. Utilization of time is an important aspect of life, without which one would not be able to divide and utilize time as per his/her priorities. Time management has made me excel in life and I think it would further help me in life. Moreover I also have determination to complete my goals and aims. But as said by Christopher Moore "Nobodys perfect. Well, there was this one guy, but we killed him....". It

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