Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The LE-PEST C Analysis of Sainsbury Research Paper

The LE-PEST C Analysis of Sainsbury - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that the food industry in the U.K has not been spared by the world financial crises and the changing economic times, with this in mind that most businesses have to re-evaluate and do their LE-PEST C analyzes. An example of such analysis is that of the J Sainsbury plc. The commercial sector is experiencing a worst financial crisis globally and all business ventures with interests in financial sector like the J Sainsbury plc are affected by the problem. J Sainsbury plc is the topmost food retailer in the United Kingdom, consisting of a series of diversified business venture units that include; supermarkets, JB Beamount, Jacksons stores and an online Sainsbury's business and bank. The major organizations objective is to provide customers with a variety of products and services that meet the diversified customer requirements while at the same time giving the investors good and consistent financial returns on their investments. The business diversity has been aiming at exploiting different aspects of production and different opportunities so as to develop individual capabilities that payback in terms of business success. The company is working had to establish its policy as a tradition to meet the customer requirement bearing in mind that achieving this is of mutual benefit, plus working together with the suppliers to keep up the productions lines running and maintain their presence in the market. It is estimated that J Sainsbury plc employs over 14.8 thousand workers committed to serving their customers. The LE-PEST C is an acronym for analysis of business environmental factors under the following; L- Legal environment, E- Economic environment, P- Political environment, E- Ecological environment, S- Socio-cultural environment, T- Technological aspects, and C- Competitive environmental factors. For the J Sainsbury plc LE-PEST C analysis, it's very critical that recommendations should be drawn based on the conclusion made in the evaluation of t he environmental factors that influence business operation. The British government is said to be planning a change in its financial policies that would reduce problems in liquidity of financial institutions as well as taking care of potential market abuse in the financial services industry. The law in the United Kingdom provides tough regulations on the packaging and labeling of food products. The regulations are government's policies and that any violation of them is punishable by the law.

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