Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Network Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Network Security - enquiry Paper ExampleHowever, as technology evolved, the entanglements also became a part of everyday life. With the accessibility of networks, the warrantor problems have also increased. Networks ar increasingly becoming vulnerable to the threats present in the environment. The paper has researched on the threats that are posed on the network as well as the vulnerabilities that increase the credential risks for the network. The final part of the paper also discusses the tools that help in implementing security policies as well as the formulation of security policy. Problem Statement Numerous hackers search for and exploit vulnerabilities of a system or a network on a day-to-day basis. Moreover, the tools that help in penetrating and exploiting networks and systems are becoming increasingly accessible and they are so simple to use that they supplicate very little technical knowledge. The threats become even more real when the network connects to other networks , however, threats usually originate from the internal network more often. Research indicates that the 70% of threats usually originate from inside the corporate environment. Hence, any person in charge of networks needs to take a close look at the threats and vulnerabilities of a network. ... ions are in place to monitor and control unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of the network and its resources (Simmonds, Sandilands, & van Ekert, 2004). The first phase of network security begins from user authentication, the most common form of which is a username and password. We can also call this as one factor authentication because we are using except one thing besides the username, which is the password that we already know. Similarly, another form of authentication is two-factor authentication that requires something like a security token, ATM card, etc. The next phase after authentication is a firewall that enforces access policies, for example allowing read/write ca pabilities to various documents available over the network (A role-based trusted network provides distributive security and compliance, 2008). Firewalls have the ability of filtering unauthorized access, however, they sometimes fail to check for harmful content that might have entered into the network such as calculating machine worms, Trojans, etc. We have anti-virus software or intrusion prevention systems that help detect and prevent the movement of such malware. Why Network Security? As networks have expanded with time, so have their security issues. The following are the three main reasons why any organization would invest into securing their network Confidentiality respite Every firm would want their confidential information to be held confidential from the eyes of the competitors. Moreover, in an environment where everything has been transformed and saved in the electronic form, a secure network becomes even more important for a firm. Destruction of Data Data is the most important asset for any organization as well as individuals. Data is processed to be converted into information

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