Thursday, December 26, 2019

Evaluating the Success of the Enforcement of Prohibition...

Evaluating the Success of the Enforcement of Prohibition in the United States Prohibition was the banning of alcohol in the U.S.A. It was the 18th amendment and was known as the national prohibition act. It was also given the name the Volstead act because it was put into practice by Andrew.J.Volstead. Prohibition had its ups and downs. It was successful in many ways but was also a failure according to other matters. One of the reasons due to which prohibition failed was because of the size of America. It was a vast amount of land therefore made it difficult to patrol. It had a large population which gave another reason for difficulty in patrolling. There were two oceans (Pacific †¦show more content†¦Leading on from this was the attitude of the government to this movement of prohibition. They wanted to enforce prohibition because America was all well at the time and they didnt want any risks of this to be spoilt. They felt alcohol was a cause for statistics and risks rising. They felt prohibition was needed in order for safety. This was a short term cause because it was the conditions during the roaring twenties alone. This was a good idea but wasnt successful because of the other failures. The government started to see that quantities of liquor were being smuggled into their country and so they decided on bringing in fines. If you were caught with illegal liquor you would be fined. If you could not pay off this fine then you would be taken to court. After you r case if you still couldnt pay off this fine you would be excused this maybe because you are unable to afford this. This did have a slight effect but wasnt a major reason of succession as it did fail in some ways. This was also a short term cause as they were only fined for illegal liquor and so when they out the 21st amendment into practice this fine would no longer be needed. Another major reason which failed to succeed and caused difficulties into enforcing prohibition was because of the gangsters at the time.Show MoreRelatedmarijuana legalization2370 Words   |  10 Pages1937, the United Sates of America passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which made transfer or possession of cannabis (marijuana plant) illegal throughout the US under federal law. Studies conducted throughout the years have proven that cannabis can be utilized as a medical supplement. In fact 20, states and the District of Columbia have passed laws to legalize marijuana under certain medical conditions. According to the White House, it is the most commonly used recreational drug in the United States. It hasRead More Legalize drugs Essay example2773 Words   |  12 Pages Such an issue stirs up moral and religious beliefs; beliefs that are contrary to what America should quot;believequot;. 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PLEASE PROVIDE 1 MODERN DAY EXAMPLES OF THE PROBLEMS FORD ENCOUNTERED. 5 Ford in the 1920’s ï‚ § In the 1920s, Ford as symbol of economic success, led by iconic Henry Ford, at this time the wealthiest man on the planet ï‚ § Mass production of Ford Model T ï‚ § Efficiency driven ï‚ § Fordism, social engineering ï‚ § 5 Dollar wage, eventually enabling Ford workers to afford a Model T ï‚ § Rise of middle class

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Employee Retention Practices And Motivation Theories

Week 3 reading was related to motivation theories and explained the employee motivation affects on employee retention. Reading, examines how developing and implementing employee retention practices create a competitive advantage. This reading provides a connection between the effective employee retention practices and motivation theories as well as how these efforts serve as a strategy to increasing organizational performance. Also, making the case for financial importance in maintaining such practices, as its described in paper, Fitz-enz (1997) stated that the average company loses approximately $1 million with every 10 managerial and professional employees, a significant economic impact. HUMAN CAPITAL THEORY Quoting (Mueller, 1982) an â€Å"investment in skill-building would be more profitable and more likely to be undertaken the longer the period over which returns from the investment can accrue† (Mueller, 1982, p. 94). Employee retention is important in realizing a full return on investment in intellectual capital that equals the knowledge, skills, and attributes of each individual within an organization. comparing to definition of intellectual capital, Ulrich’s definition was simply â€Å"competence multiplied by commitment† (Ulrich’s 1998, p. 125), EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION THEORIES Motivation is descried in this theory as a means to connect personal gain and an overall company objective while generating an effort from the employee creating the impact with employeesShow MoreRelatedImproving Organization Retention Paper1446 Words   |  6 Pagesorganization retention In the past few years the state of Pennsylvania has made an effort to boot their economy by allowing gambling. One of the casinos that have made an impact is JC’s Casino and Resort. This establishment is state of the art in all aspects. It follows all state and federal laws, including being an equal opportunity employer, excellent wage rates, benefits, and has a great reputation for career advancement. However, over the past several months JC’s has had issues with employee retentionRead MoreMicrosofts Human Resource Management Strategy679 Words   |  3 PagesImportance of Strategic Human Resource Management Talent Management Strategies Compensation and benefit packages for employees Policies and practices for Labor relations management Comparison with the Competitors Conclusion OBJECTIVES OF THE HRM STRATEGY To design effective talent management strategies; including recruitment and selection, motivation and retention, performance management, etc. To design competitive salary and compensation packages and decide their major components. Develop policiesRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management Practices: JC Casino Case Study1790 Words   |  7 Pageswith a variety of interesting activities. JC Casino, in regards to its human resource practices suffers substantially from low quality service and availability. Both of these metrics of success are critical to the overall performance of JC Casino. As such, my recommendations for improvement will center primarily on availability of competent personnel supplemented by a better work environment to increase retention. Most of JC Casinos personnel are leaving to competitors which present two distinctRead MoreEvaluating Moral Issues Of Motivation Theories : Lessons From Marketing And Advertising Practices859 Words   |  4 PagesEvaluating Moral Issues in Motivation Theories: Lessons from Marketing and Advertising Practices is a review of motivation theories and practices. The academic journal is designed to assist the reader and companies with comprehensive practices use d to benefit the organization. The administered research is considering â€Å"the moral meaning of classic motivational theories and practices and their implications for both theoreticians and practitioners† (Shultz, T., 2013 J, 26(1), p. 1). The research wasRead MoreEmployee s Lack Of Job Satisfaction Essay1637 Words   |  7 PagesA hole is left the absence of an employee either by termination or quitting by choice (Kaur Vijay, 2016). High employee turnover leaves more holes the employer has to address and becomes expensive (Likhitkar Verma, 2015). An average cost of $3, 328 to search, hire and train the replacement for a $10 per hour employee (Sadler Evans, 2016). A median turnover rate of 67% for part-time employees is roughly half of the cost if not more (Oviedo-Garcia Vega-Vazquez, 2014). 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Defining Strategic Planning The fate of an organization rests on its ability to create, implement, and execute a successful strategic plan. In many cases, due to the dynamic business environment, an organization’s strategic plan must becomeRead MoreThe Effect Of Motivation On Employee Performance Essay1483 Words   |  6 Pages The Art of Motivation Tushayla R. Brown Business 520 November 14, 2016 Using Motivation to Improve Employee Performance Outline I. IDENTIFY THINGS THAT MOTIVATE EMPLOYEES A. Draft clear goals and expectations B. Provide an accurate and timely feedback C. Provide opportunities for growth D. Make employees part of a team and include them in decision-making II. IDENTIFY BARRIERS TO EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION A. Provide the right wages to employees with different levels of expertise andRead MoreIntroduction. Sns Is A Marketing And Public Relations Company1544 Words   |  7 Pagesretains an engaged employee pool that will provide exceptional customer service to the clients. Over the next several months, SNS will implement various motivational tools to encourage and reward creativity, insight, teamwork and enthusiasm. The Importance of Motivation In today’s demanding work environment, employee engagement can be a challenging task. Understanding the importance of motivating employees is vital to the success of the company. Rabideau (2005) states that motivation is the correlationRead MoreImproving Organization Retention Essay1730 Words   |  7 PagesImproving Organizational Retention PSY/435 September 13, 2010 Improving Organization Retention Employee retention is the solution for improving organizational performance (Dey, 2009). An organization who wants to ensure they keep their employees from leaving their business to work for a rivalry organization is to maximize job satisfaction. To maximize job satisfaction the organization will need to make changes to their training process to ensure that each employee fully understands his or

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Steps for Cleaning Fertilizer Spreading Machine free essay sample

A fertilizer spreader is a metal hopper with an adjustable trough underneath for applying an even layer of fertilizer over lawns and gardens. Some spreaders connect with a tow hitch to the back of a tractor. Smaller models have a handle and wheels for pushing the spreader yourself. As with all garden tools, cleaning your spreader after each use will prolong the life of the equipment and ensure proper operation. A garden hose may be used, but a power washer works best. 1. Empty the hopper of all fertilizer, either by spreading the product on your garden or lawn or removing the fertilizer and returning it to its storage bag. 2. Open the hopper trough at the bottom of the spreader so water can run through. Pull the lever on the side of the spreader to open the trough. Reliable and stable quality is the key to success. Our products are well known at home and abroad. We will write a custom essay sample on Steps for Cleaning Fertilizer Spreading Machine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now we have tens of thousands of users throughout China and more than 30 world markets. As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as magnetic separator,Cement mill,vibrating screen

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Week 1 Discussion 1 Essay Example

Week 1 Discussion 1 Essay From the e-Activity, evaluate at least two companies’ financial statements that have received a negative rating from one of the financial rating agencies. Determine which financial ratios most likely impacted the rating decision. Compare and contrast at least two financial ratios that support the rating agencys claims. Speculate on how the ratios are likely to change considering the economic environment in which it operates. Support your position. The two companies that I choose for this discussion are the American Express, Inc. and the General Electric Company.Both of them received negative rating from the Thomson Reuters Stockreport + and both of them is under the -2 category. As I research on the ratios that these rating companies might use, I discover that they love to use the leverage ratios as an indicator. Take American Express and the General Electric as an example. Both of them carry more than 400% Debt to Common Equity while the Long Term Debt Percent to Common Equit y are both more than 250% which consider very high in comparing to those obtain positive rating like Boeing, whose total Debt percentage to Common Equity is only 201. 5%! Other than these leverage ratios, the assets per employee ratio seem to be another key factor to determine the ranking. Company has positive rating like Boeing has assets per employee ratio at $397,262. 38 per employee while both GE and American Express have over 2 million per employee! If a company’s debt to equity ratio is more than 400%, it means that the company relies heavily on debt than equity. It is true that interest expense is tax deductible and which will help to improve the net income as a result of this benefit.However, this ratio will tell the investor that the company might get into cash problem if the growth in sales is slow plus the collection rate is low. In addition, when the assets to employee ratio is over million, it tells the investor that the company is inefficient in generate profit. Any changes in the economy, the company is likely to encounter a lot of problems. Change in economic environment would hardly help the American Express as they are well known for high service charge to both merchants and consumers.It would be difficult for them to improve the ratio unless they stream down and change their policy on charging. As for the General Electric, they have to wait till the economy bounces back in full swing then, the assets turnover rate will be improved immensely. In addition, with the help of the growth in sales, they will be able to pay-off some debts and thus reduce the debt to equity ratio. Imagine that you are a chief financial officer with $150,000 of idle cash that you must invest to increase earnings for your company.Select at least two companies and the ratios you would use to determine your investment strategy. Based on the companies you choose, speculate on how the ratios are likely to change over the next five years. I would like to make an inve stment on Apple, Inc. and Boeing Company in a ratio of 6:4. The ratios that I use for the evaluation will be the growth rate in sales, the return on earning assets ratio, cost of goods sold to sales ratio, the debt to common equity ratio, and the dividend payout in the past 5 years. If the economy remains the same, the cost of goods sold to Sales ratio for Apple, Inc. ill drop proportionately as they have the costs under good control while the sales remains growing at 40% rate. In addition, the return on earning assets will grow a little bit due to the increase in sales. Other than that, other ratios will pretty much the same. As for Boeing, unless there is a sudden demand in new jets, the sales will pretty much the same. As they are pretty good at streamlining, I do not expect a dramatic change in its ratios at all. Reference: Financial data retrieved from www. thomsonone. com ;amp; www. scottrade. com.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


When looking at the development of the United States, many groups have contributed to making our country to what it is today. But many times, the Irish’s accomplishments are forgotten about and their past is spotted with feelings of hatred. The Irish took part in many events and significant happenings of America’s history. One of the crises that they contributed to was the Civil War. Many Irish immigrants fought for the country, on both the Union and Confederate sides. The Irish Brigade is one of the most heard about groups of soldiers, but there were many more Irish who gave their lives for their country. Also, many Irishmen who fought in the war were honored as brilliant soldiers and some even becoming ranking officers. By the end of the Civil War, the Irish immigrants had left a mark on history and made a place for themselves in America. For many years, the controversy of the enslavement of blacks was a dividing issue between the North and the South. Many Northerners wanted to abolish slavery or at least confine it to the South. The Southerners did not want any restrictions put on slavery (Damon 9). Some Southern states threatened to withdraw from the Union if they were denied the right to own slaves (Damon 9). The South was outnumbered, outgunned, and outmanned, but they entered the Civil War with as much determination as the North had confidence (Courcy). The Irish Americans, like many other groups and families, were split by the war and having to choose sides. Many Irish in the North were in support of slavery. â€Å"They did not want to fight to free the slaves and thereby increase labor competition† (Takaki 152). They knew that if the slaves were freed, then they would be able to move to the North and compete with the Irish for their jobs. They feared economic competition (Horowitz 186). But th e thought of preserving their country had a greater influence on many Irish. Peter Welch, who became a color ser... Free Essays on THE IRISH IN THE CIVIL WAR Free Essays on THE IRISH IN THE CIVIL WAR When looking at the development of the United States, many groups have contributed to making our country to what it is today. But many times, the Irish’s accomplishments are forgotten about and their past is spotted with feelings of hatred. The Irish took part in many events and significant happenings of America’s history. One of the crises that they contributed to was the Civil War. Many Irish immigrants fought for the country, on both the Union and Confederate sides. The Irish Brigade is one of the most heard about groups of soldiers, but there were many more Irish who gave their lives for their country. Also, many Irishmen who fought in the war were honored as brilliant soldiers and some even becoming ranking officers. By the end of the Civil War, the Irish immigrants had left a mark on history and made a place for themselves in America. For many years, the controversy of the enslavement of blacks was a dividing issue between the North and the South. Many Northerners wanted to abolish slavery or at least confine it to the South. The Southerners did not want any restrictions put on slavery (Damon 9). Some Southern states threatened to withdraw from the Union if they were denied the right to own slaves (Damon 9). The South was outnumbered, outgunned, and outmanned, but they entered the Civil War with as much determination as the North had confidence (Courcy). The Irish Americans, like many other groups and families, were split by the war and having to choose sides. Many Irish in the North were in support of slavery. â€Å"They did not want to fight to free the slaves and thereby increase labor competition† (Takaki 152). They knew that if the slaves were freed, then they would be able to move to the North and compete with the Irish for their jobs. They feared economic competition (Horowitz 186). But th e thought of preserving their country had a greater influence on many Irish. Peter Welch, who became a color ser...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

summary of oliver twist essays

summary of oliver twist essays In the workhouse of a provincial town seventy miles from London a woman with unknown origin gives birth to a boy and dies. The child is named Oliver Twist and put into the workhouse orphanage. When he is nine Oliver gets transferred to the workhouse itself by Mr. Bumble, the beadle. The little Twist dares to ask for more gruel on behalf of the other half-starved children and the authorities decide to put him to a trade. Oliver is apprenticed to Mr. Sowerberry, an undertaker. Another apprentice, Noah Claypole, insults Olivers dead mother and small Oliver attacks him. Because of the severe punishment by the Sowerberrys Oliver runs away to London. There he meets Jack Dawkins called The Artful Dodger, a member of a pickpocket-gang run by Fagin, a Jew. Oliver who does not understand that he is among criminals becomes one of Fagins boys. He gets send out with the Dodger and another boy, Charley Bates. Realizing the criminal actions they take, Oliver runs away under shock. He gets caught an d is accused of robbing Mr. Brownlow but a bookstall-keeper has seen the true robbers and exculpates Oliver. Mr. Brownlow decides to take care of Oliver and takes him home with him. For Oliver this is the first time he gets treated with affection. But because while Oliver is free his secrets are in danger, Fagin engages Bill Sykes, a brutal robber and Nancy, a prostitute in love with Sykes to recapture Oliver. Oliver is recruited to help Sykes with a robbery on the house of Mrs. Maylie and her adopted niece Rose Maylie. The thieves get discovered and escape but Oliver is shot and wounded. The Maylies nurse him back to health, listen to Olivers story and believe him. He settles with them. Nancy, one of Fagins gang who is feeling compassion for the child, visits Rose to tell her without giving away the gang that a man named Monks who is in contact with Fagin wishes Oliver harm. Rose recruits others to help find Monks. Fagin has set No...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Write a final piece on your experience on this module (Developing work Essay

Write a final piece on your experience on this module (Developing work and study skills), - Essay Example With the module that I opted for I have been able to excel in my relevant subjects and achieve my goals respectively. I have been able to achieve the skills of auditing as now i know the relevant processes which are involved in the process. Gathering information and interpreting it in such a way that plagiarism does not take a role in it is an important feature of this module which I have learned to excel in. The module also allowed us to work as a group and thus it has developed my communication and group working skills. With different projects and assignments I have learned how to compose a report on the relevant topics. Similarly presentations have also formed an important aspect of this module through which I have learned to gain confidence and reflect on my views, goals and practices. Above all I have learned to manage time because of which I was able to complete all these tasks properly. However completing this module has not been as easy as it seems when telling about the achi evements and this is because of my weaknesses. But on the other hand my strengths have helped me to cope up with these weaknesses so that I can achieve my goal easily. First of all the main strengths that I possess are team working skills because of which I can be able to work as a leader. I can be able to lead a group of individuals to success as I possess the relative communication skills which can satisfy all my group members. Most of all the main thing that I have learned from this course will help me a lot and that is time management. Utilization of time is an important aspect of life, without which one would not be able to divide and utilize time as per his/her priorities. Time management has made me excel in life and I think it would further help me in life. Moreover I also have determination to complete my goals and aims. But as said by Christopher Moore "Nobodys perfect. Well, there was this one guy, but we killed him....". It

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflective evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective evaluation - Essay Example There are quite a number of occasions when I wanted to tell more to drive a point across, but the time allotment is not enough to allow me to do that. Another problem that rose from this is knowing what to include or omit in the presentation slides. I had to use other means of presenting data. For this particular report, I used tables extensively to give the results of my literature review and interview. However, pictures, charts and graphs are also commonly used in compressing many messages in a smaller space. However, it is better to have a lot to omit than having less to include. As I look back to how I prepared for and delivered this presentation, I now realize that it is better to come overprepared. It gives me added boost of confidence in the delivery of the report, as well as in answering questions from the members of the audience. Whenever presentations are to be given, research is vital. Acquiring sufficient knowledge is required to be able to discuss the points adequately. However, sufficiency of information does not only depend on quantity, but also on their quality. This means that the information should come from reliable sources, which are experts in the field in question. In this particular presentation, I felt that I have researched many and various journal articles to sufficiently support the points that I want to drive at.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hardware and software Essay Example for Free

Hardware and software Essay Angela and David need to buy a computer. They plan to use it to produce letters and newsletters, to create a website, to keep the club accounts, to record members of the club, and to detail stockists of tandems in their area. They have never bought a computer before and have around i 1800 to spend on both hardware and software. Hardware Main Processing Unit The work they will be doing on the computer is not the most demanding for a computer, so the specification of it will not need to extremely high. I would recommend a fast, budget processor, like a Celeron or Duron. These are cheaper than Pentiums and Athlons and for the tasks Angela and David are carrying out, they will not notice much difference in performance. A clock speed of 1000-1500Mhz would be sufficient for their needs. On the memory front, I would recommend 256Mb of memory, as it is an amount that would make Microsoft Windows XP and Office XP run smoothly, and it is also the standard requirement for most modern software programs. The memory will also be useful as it will allow a large number of files, in this case web pages and graphics, to be open at one time. A motherboard will be needed, and it will need to be compatible with the processor and memory chosen. There will need to be a sound card and a video card, and as they will not be using these to use graphics intensive programs, such as games, I would suggest that they chose a motherboard with these already built in. into the motherboard to keep costs down. It will need to contain several different types of ports. There will need to be around 4 USB ports (for various peripherals, e. camera, scanner, printer), a parallel port (for the printer or scanner), two PS2 ports (one each for the keyboard and mouse), and a serial port (some digital cameras still connect his way). This will give them a choice of connection options and extra peripherals. A modem will be needed to connect to the Internet. I would recommend an internal modem as it takes up less room and does not require plugging into the mains. The modem will need to be a normal dial-up modem, not ADSL or cable, as they do not require broadband. The modem will need to be a 56K modem to increase speeds. I would also recommend the V92 standard of 56k modem, which has a faster upload speed than previous standards, so they spend less time uploading their website. An ISP will also be needed. There are many different ones, but I would advocate the use of a free ISP, where you only pay for the calls, as it does not appear that they will be using the Internet to such an extent where a subscription-based unlimited service would work out cheaper. The ISP also needs to have web space for the users, so the Tandem Club website can be uploaded. Freeserve is an example of an ISP that does this. Input Devices The keyboard and mouse are standard for any Windows computer. In this case, both will need to be connected to the PC via the PS2 port. I would recommend an ergonomic mouse with a scroll wheel, as this aids computer usage a great deal. The keyboard should be comfortable to use for Angela and David, but a normal keyboard should be recommended for them, rather than the peculiarly shaped ergonomic ones, which would be a little awkward to understand for a beginner. I would also recommend a scanner. This will aid them in creating their newsletters and web pages. Photographs of their cycle rides and social gatherings could be scanned and inserted into their documents. Signatures can also be scanned in. For their usage, I would recommend a plain, low-priced flatbed scanner, as these are very simple to use and will do what they need it to. It does not need to be high definition, just around 600dpi, and it does not need a high colour depth. This is because images on the web are compressed and lose quality, and the images in the newsletters will be small. A digital camera would also be a good idea as it will allow them to quickly get images into the computer, without going through the trouble of scanning them. They would only require basic functionality from it, so one costing around i 100 would be adequate. Output Devices The monitor is a very important part of the computer set-up as it is the way the user knows what the computer is doing. As Angela and David will be spending quite a while looking at the monitor, I would recommend a fairly large 17-inch model, as this will make computing easier as it is easier on the eyes and reduced the need for scrolling up and down. Angela and David will need a printer in order to produce hard copies of their documents. I would recommend an inkjet printer, with a fairly high resolution (around 1200dpi) so that they can change between the different resolutions they need. They also need one that is economical to run, which have replacement cartridges that are inexpensive to replace. Speakers would also be a good idea, as they will open up other uses of the computer in the future, such as digital music, internet browsing, controlling Windows, and multimedia applications. Storage The computer will need a hard drive, to store all of the data from the various programs on it. For the needs of David and Angela, I would advocate the use of a 40Gb hard drive. This will allow plenty of room for them to store their programs, documents and images. As they are novices, this size of hard drive will take an extremely long time to fill up, if ever, which is good for them as it means they do not have to worry about technical matters inside the computer. In order to install the software that they will need, a CD drive is obligatory. They are quite cheap and I would recommend a 52-speed drive, which means that data is read from it extremely quickly, reducing the time needed. The couple have no need for a DVD drive, as they do not require viewing of DVD Video discs or DVD software. Although floppy disk drives are an old technology, I think that the Williams computer will need one. This will allow them to create backups of their files, providing they are not too large, and it will also allow them to distribute images to other members of the Tandem Club. Software Operating System. All computers require an operating system and usually comes pre-installed, and in this instance, I would recommend Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition. This new version is more stable than previous versions, and offers a lot help to the user, which will aid them in getting to grips with computing. It also comes with a number of built in applications, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, Outlook Express 6, FrontPage Express (needed for web pages), a number of utilities, such as Disk Defragmenter, and inbuilt games, like Minesweepers. It is also compatible with a large amount of software, equipment and utilities. This costs i 164 alone, but it costs a lot less when pre-installed. Office Suite The Williams need to create several different types of document with their computer, such as letters, newsletters and accounts. Several different types of programmes would be needed to create these, such as word processing and DTP, but these are often bundled together into an office suite. There are several different ones, such as StarOffice and Lotus SmartSuite, but the one I would recommend is Microsoft Office, in particular, Office XP Standard Edition. This suite contains most of the software David and Angela need; Word, a word-processing program, for letters, Excel, a spreadsheet package, for the accounts, and Outlook, a contact management and e-mail program, for keeping the details of club members and tandem stockists. It also contains a good help system, and as it is widely used, there is a lot of documentation in shops and many computer magazines give advice on it, which is helpful if you are having difficulty. Microsoft Office XP Standard costs around i 300, but if either David or Angela were teachers, or had children in education, they would qualify for the discounted Student and Teacher price. Other Applications In order for David and Angela to create their web pages, they will need to use a web page editing program, such as FrontPage Express, which is bundled with Internet Explorer for free. On the subject of web pages, they will need a program to create graphics, and to process the images received from the scanner or digital camera. I would recommend the purchase of Paint Shop Pro, an image-editing program, which is bundled with Animation Shop, which creates animated graphics for the Internet. Paint Shop Pro can work with scanners, which would be useful in this case, and contains image enhancement, optimisation for the web. This costs i 65 for the version 7, the latest, but I would recommend an older version, such as 6, which will be a little simpler to use, and will carry out most of the functions that the newer version does for less money. Version 5 of Paint Shop Pro, although extremely functional, is often given away on the covers of computing magazines for around i 5, so this would be a useful way to save money. In order to create newsletters, a desktop publishing program is needed. There are many different programs of this type, such as Microsoft Publisher, Adobe PageMaker and Greenstreet Publisher. In this case, I would advise the Williams to purchase Microsoft Publisher 2002. It contains wizards and templates to aid in the creation of newsletters, as well as other documents like posters. As it is part of the Microsoft Office XP family, the interface is very similar, so it will be easy to get to grips with if they understand other Office products. This costs around i 100. Health and Safety Angela and David will need to be aware of health and safety issues before using their computer. Set-up Do not force cables into ports   Keep cables tidy, neat, and out of the way   Do not turn on the electricity before all the cables are in. Usage Organise an electrical safety check at least once a year Use an adjustable chair with backrest   Use a wrist support   Take regular breaks from the computer. Position the computer correctly   Do not consume food or drink near a computer. Adjust position in seat so arms are horizontal, mouse is in easy reach and eyes are level with top of VDU.   Follow instructions on consumables like printer ink and dispose of them correctly.   Install a screen filter to protect from eye strain   Keep the screen clean with anti-static screen cleaning solution, not polish to reduce glare   Adjust position of computer and monitor to reduce glare from lighting Upgrading   When upgrading the computer, always turn the power off, be gentle, and take anti-static precautions, e. g. anti-static mat William Neale 11MC.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

The X - ray was discovered in 1985 by a German physicist, Sir W. C. Roentgen. Since then, the application of radiation has been widely used in radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy for both diagnostic and treatment of different kind of diseases encountered by the human beings.(Luk, Leung, & Cheng, 2010).Even though the radiation play important role in diagnostic and treating the patient, the biological effect caused by medical radiation is more concerned in recent survey(Arslanoğlu et al., 2007). Due to the advanced development of medical equipment’s such as multi - detector row computed tomography and nuclear medicine there is significant increase in the population’s cumulative exposure(Rehani & Berris, 2012).The application of computer tomography has increased dramatically since 1970,with the number of annual scan go up to 72 million in 2007 form 2 million in 1980s (Baumann et al., 2011).The radiological examination performed every year crossed 3.6 bill ion and the number is expected to increase in future(Nations, Committee, & Radiation, 2010).since the radiological exam...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Psychology and Christianity Essay

An integrative approaches to Psychology and Christianity by David Entwistle explains the fundamental question whether Christians can take a place in psychology. By marrying both scientific and theological disciplines, the author takes a stand to argue that psychology and Christianity can help an individual to serve the Lord within the parameters of duty to love. In this book, Entwistle gives a concise understanding for the interplay between theology and science by taking us through the historical analysis of psychology and how it explains how individuals have their characteristics, qualities and talents which help them serve God and society (p 35-37). Arguably, a person cannot be an effective psychologist without the basis of what is right with is captured in Christianity as a moral concept. With regard to these, our society is shaped by history as well as environment. The knowledge we acquire throughout our existence is inspired by our past experiences. Significantly, Christianity has facilitated how we structure our mindsets over various moral issues in the society. To bridge the gap between Christianity and psychology, Entwistle argues that there are five important paradigms that show the interplay between theology and psychology. This includes spies, enemies, neutral parties, colonialists as well as allies as elements serving ones master called sovereign (p39). The argument presented by Entwistle articulates the concept that psychology resembles theology in line with goals and serve fundamental human purposes of improving as well as giving meaning to the life of a human being. The two disciplines revolves around human functioning and nature hereby, an integrative approach to psychology and Christianity underscores that when it comes to dealing with human life and truth, there should be a unified approach that uses both secular and sacred elements of thinking. With regard to these, both psychology and Christianity need to be integrated because life at large revolves around helping others with issues that promote quality lives and harmony in the society. Critical and Concrete Responses After reading an integrated Approach to Psychology and Christianity, I was led to thinking that the understanding of God and psychology relates coherently to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. I agree with the argument because my experiences in the past have acquired as a result of my environment and needs as a human being which moves closer to the relevance of psychology in the life of human beings. Similarly, the feeling of self-actualization is realized through a Christian’s association with God through divine moment of prayer, fellowship and engagement in charitable works because the Bible stipulates that such gestures will grant one an eternal life. On the same note, psychology understands that self actualization is a need that must be met after all the other seven basics ones have been met. Entwistle asserts that both eternal life and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs portend single ideas of achieving in life and feeling the sense of achievement. The truth revealed in the word of God and the various works of Jesus Christ as well as the Christian ministry is something that is characterized in my life. Arguably, life revolves around all these and it is somehow impossible to separate it from life in a Christian perspective. Equally, my life experiences have led me to conclude that certain things in life should be done in my own way. Accordingly, there are many times I have learnt from my experience and have faced many consequences as a result of my choices. In view of this, Entwistle asserts that doing things the way we want articulate the psychological belief of emotions, socialization, intelligence and human needs. However, this argument raises the question of conflicting forces between our beliefs and human desires. As Christianity stipulates how we should behave in line with morality, psychology justifies why we must attend to our human desires. As such, an integration approach to life should cover both Christian teachings and the sentiments echoed by psychologists (pg 59-63). I was a temperamental person who for years reprimanded people for wronging me. Although I justified my case by arguing that I respect my feelings and that is me, God called upon me to change my temperament by managing anger so that I can accommodate others. God’s intervention in this case harmonized how I lead my life because; I was able to strike a balance between my religious beliefs and human desires. Most significantly, managing a balance, or rather moving my hot tempers to reasonable levels necessitated the intervention of counseling services. Accordingly, I embarked on regular counseling with gave me an insight on how to understand other and tune my emotions to the levels that accommodate others feelings. This way, the book an integrated approach to psychology and Christianity, underscores the importance o integrate theology and psychology. Somehow, psychology helps Christians to understand their human face and through services such as psychotherapy, counseling, a Christian will be able to moderate the psyche of the soul as well as the soul of psychology. Personal Reflection Although Entwistle advocates for s linkage in the two disciplines and goes ahead to propose that Christians should integrate science theology in viewing issues of life, it becomes critical to the Christians because one question that is raised is how can Christians be motivated to use psychotherapy and counseling services as a way of integrating psychology and Christianity. Entwistle asserts that moral concepts of live are well explained in Christian doctrines and through psychology, such moral doctrines can be well explained and a Christian will consciously understand the essence of being a Christian. However, the book fails to recommend how counseling can be promoted and how psychotherapy and other psychological services can be enshrined in the Christian education. Accordingly, the question of how we as Christians should accomplish the goal of promoting the integration of science to theology takes the center stage of the entire debate that Entwistle engages in concerning reaping the full benefits of integrating psychology and Christianity. Arguably, Entwistle uses words that further complicate the message of integrative approach to psychology and Christianity. In essence, this makes it difficult for an average reader to appreciate the information being conveyed let alone retention. In addition, it plausible to note that as a reader I found it hard to grasp the interests as well as concept of integrating psychology and Christianity because of the fact that the book is written broad view hence it seems to argue in circles around the importance of using both psychology and Christians teaching. Recommended Action Owing to this weakness of language and jumping around ideas, there are measures that can be taken to help us benefit from the Christian psychological integration. Advising others on how to benefit from counseling will form the fundamental action that spearhead the campaign for integrating Christianity and psychology. In this view, sharing some of my experiences with regard to how I have benefited from counseling to succeed in my Christian faith and life at large will work in helping in the whole initiative of promoting such kind of integration. If possible, all counselors who happen to be Christians should uses their positions to root the belief of integrating Christianity and psychology into other Christians and equally work with other counselors to devise methods of overcoming challenges that may come with their initiatives. At the same time, the basis of my intervention will revolve around moral maturity. As such, it is recommended that encourage Christians to search for the truth and thus understand for themselves how best they can use psychology to succeed in their lives and Christian works. In a nutshell, Entwistle espouses that it is only through a concise integration of both science and theology that Christians will embrace the concept of togetherness. In other words, they will understand how humans functions and thus structure their spiritual beliefs in a realist way to avoid the self conflict that is always inherent among many believers. Psychology signifies the many teachings that are typical to Christianity such as values. Reference Entwistle, D. (2004). Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christian. New York: Wipf & Stock Publishers

Sunday, November 10, 2019

To what extent has the traditional male role changed in the last 20 years?

The customary role of the male in relation to the home as being the head of the household, the protector and the provider is slowly eroding. The male’s duty was unquestionably embodied in these three ideas until the 1970’s. The growing feminist movement began to question and displace these roles as solely belonging to men The traditional male role has seen significant changes in the family unit, society and personally.In the past men were the sole breadwinners and they were left with the task of bringing home the money. It was their job to be financially sound so as to take care of their family’s needs. Being the sole breadwinner, it was the men who made all the major decisions in the home. Women on the other hand were left with the daunting task of being homemakers and taking care of the chores and looking after the children.I remember my grandmother talk about her father and how everyone in the house including her mother used to be as quiet as mice when their f ather came home as they were told not make any noise or the unthinkable would happen. Nowadays, it is just the opposite. The roles of both husband and wife have changed. Both the husband and the wife work to make ends meet. Most households cannot sustain themselves on just one salary.As both the man and the woman are out earning a living, it is only natural that household chores and child rearing has to be shared. Another area that has seen change is indecision making. While in the past it was the man who made all the decisions about the family, now it is collaborative decision making.Most women are equally educated as men and are able to sit and discuss on an equal footing with their spouse on methods of childrearing and even other major family decisions. There has also been change in the role of man in society. In the past, men have always held prominent positions in the workplace. They were the ones who made the decisions on how to run their companies.Women held minor positions s uch as clerks, stenographers and secretaries, while men were given positions such as directors, managers and CEO’s. You could see men working in corporate, financial, legal and political fields, Men held the full authority to run a family and the country from bottom to top.Now this is changing with many women breaking through the glass ceiling and taking on more powerful and significant functions in different aspects. With  education, women have been able to rise to greater heights. We have women who are CEO’s politicians and even Prime Ministers and Presidents of countries.Lastly, men from time immemorial have been pictured as being strong, fearless and successful. They have always been conditioned to not show any kind of emotions that could damage their role model image. Men were told that they should not cry and should always have a very stern character.Fathers were unapproachable and did not take an active part in their children’s emotional growth. This wa s left to the mother. But this is now changing. Men are moving away from being strong, silent and unfeeling. They are starting to express their feelings and taking on a more soft and thoughtful personality.In conclusion, it must be stated that the changes in the role of the male species is here to stay and must be respected within the structure of the family unit, society and as an individual. In my opinion, I think I would like to see the world judged based on humanity rather than prejudged roles.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Coulumbs Law Lab Report Essays

Coulumbs Law Lab Report Essays Coulumbs Law Lab Report Paper Coulumbs Law Lab Report Paper This relationship is described by the following equation: Equation 1: In this equation, and are the charges on point charges 1 and 2 and r is the distance between the two charges. The direction of the force in this special case is always along a straight line drawn between the two charges. Additionally, it is important to note that charge is conserved; it can be moved but cannot be created or destroyed. Specifically, in this lab, we will move the charges around to setup a test of Coulombs law on a simple electroscope. As mentioned above, he experiment will be split into two parts, first measuring the force as a function of distance and then we will look at how the magnitude and sign of the charges affects the force. Lastly, we will use Equation 1 above to determine the amount of charge (in Coulombs) that we can generate with static electricity. 3. Experimental Setup The apparatus used in this experiment included: an electroscope chamber with suspended sphere and top cover, 2 guide blocks with spheres, cotton and wool squares, plastic rods, and a white vinyl strip. It is crudely drawn below. Figure 1 Electroscope Setup 4. Reoccurred Part 1 Charging a Sphere 1. Began by removing the right side guide block and setting it aside. 2. Inductively charged the sphere attached to the left side guide block by doing the following: a. Rubbed the wool square on the vinyl strip to transfer charge to the strip b. Brought the sphere on the guide block near to the charged strip but do not touch them together. Wi th the sphere close to the strip, I touched the sphere with my finger and then removed my finger. C. After the finger was removed from the sphere, I pulled the sphere away from the charged strip. The sphere on the guide block was then charged. Recharged the sphere again for the next part 4. Slowly slid the guide block with the charged sphere into the left side of the chamber and carefully observed the two spheres as they approached each other and just before they touch. Recorded observations. Part 2 Dependence of Force on Distance 1 . Now we wanted to add charge to the suspended sphere by charging our guide block sphere as before and then sliding it into the chamber until the two spheres touch. 2. When the two spheres touch, the charge becomes equally distributed among them. We repeated this charge transfer and kept increasing the charge n the suspended sphere. Repeated this charging process until we had sufficient repulsive force to cause a separation of at least 1 CM to 2 CM. 3. Measured the displacement of the suspended sphere from equilibrium d for several different separation distances r. Took 5 different data points spread out over as wide a range as possible. Part 3 Dependence of Force on Charge 1 . Recharge the spheres, and after the two spheres have shared their charge, position the left guide block sphere such that you have a large displacement. Record the separation of the two charges r and the distance d. This is the first ATA point 2. Reduced the charge on the left guide sphere by half. To do this, grab the unused right guide block sphere and ground it using your finger, then remove your finger and touch the two spheres together. They now each have half the initial charge. 3. Now reposition the left guide guide block sphere to the previous value of r and record the new value of d. 4. Repeat this process two more times with 1/4 and 1/8 the original charge. 5. Experimental Results Part 2 Fee Calculation: Graph 1 Force vs Sphere Separation Graph 2- Force vs 1/raw Graph 3 Log of Force vs Log of 1/raw Part 3 Graph 4- Fee/Of vs Q/q Charge calculation 6. Questions part 1. A. What would happen if in step 2-c, you remove the charged strip from the vicinity of the sphere before your remove your finger from the sphere? B. What we have just done is charging by induction. In your own words describe what is happening in panels a through e in figure 2. C. The gray spheres are Styrofoam with a conductive coating. Why do we need the spheres to be conducting? D. Does the suspended force experience a force? Can you explain why the suspended sphere would experience a force even though it has no net charge? Doesnt this contradict Coulombs Law which says that you need two charged objects to have a force? E. Notice in the left panel of figure 3 that the size of the spheres is important the unlike charges are much closer to the charged sphere than the like charges. What is the consequence of this? Part 2- a. Plot a graph of the force as a function of the separation of the two spheres. Comment on the general trend of the data: does it look as you would expect? Why or why not? B. Is the graph linear? What would a linear dependence between Fix and 1/raw tell you? What does the slope of this plot represent physically?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Hacienda Tabi - Plantation Archaeology Mexico

Hacienda Tabi - Plantation Archaeology Mexico Hacienda Tabi is a landed estate of colonial origin, located in the Puuc region of the Yucatn Peninsula of Mexico, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Merida, and 20 km (12.5 mi) east of Kabah. Established as a cattle ranch by 1733, it evolved into a sugar plantation that encompassed more than 35,000 acres by the end of the 19th century. Approximately one-tenth of the old plantation now lies within a state-owned ecological reserve. Hacienda Tabi was one of several plantations that were owned by descendants of early Spanish colonists, and, like plantations of the same period in the United States, survived on the basis of near-slavery of native and immigrant laborers. Originally established in the early 18th century as a cattle station or estancia, by 1784 the propertys production had diversified enough to be deemed a hacienda. Production on the hacienda eventually included a sugar mill in a distillery for producing rum, farm fields for cotton, sugar, henequen, tobacco, maize, and domesticated pigs, cattle, chickens, and turkeys; all of this continued until the Mexican Revolution of 1914–15 abruptly ended the peonage system in Yucatn. Timeline of Hacienda Tabi 1500s - much of the Puuc region is part of the Xiu Maya dynasty1531 - Spanish military forces marched into the Yucatn1542 - city of Merida founded by Francisco de Montejo1547 - first Spanish mission founded at Oxkutzcab1550s - encomienda system established in the Puuc1698 - Juan del Castillo y Arrue petitions for a land grant named Tavi to be used as an encomienda1733 - Tabi established as the name of the parcel in the Santa Elena Valley1784 - Tabi designated a hacienda; its owner is Bernadino Del Castillo1815 - Tabi purchased by Francisco Calero y Calero; a land survey commissioned1821 - Mexico achieves independence from Spain1820s - first state laws supporting peonage (debt slavery) system1847 - Caste War (Resistance movement between Maya and Spanish descendants) breaks out1855 - Tabi bought by Felipe Peon1876 - 1911, Porfirio Diaz rules Mexico1880s - narrow gauge rail established in the Yucatn1890s - industrial sugar mill at Tabi1893 - Tabi bought by Eulogio Duarte Troncoso; exten sive renovation of principal buildings undertaken 1900 - Tabi encompasses 35,000 acres and 851 resident laborers1908 - Journalist John Kenneth Turner publishes articles describing slavery on haciendas in Yucatn.1913 - Tabi owned by Eduardo Bolio Rendon Maldonado1914 - Mexican revolution reaches Yucatn, peonage system abolished1915 - Hacienda Tabis village for laborers abandoned The center of the plantation included an area of approximately 300 x 375 m (1000x1200 ft) within a thick wall enclosure of limestone masonry, measuring 2 m (6 ft) high. Three main gates controlled access to the great yard or patio principal, and the largest and main entry frames the sanctuary, which held room for 500 persons. The major architecture within the enclosure included a large two-story plantation house or palacio, consisting of 24 rooms and 22,000 ft ² (~2000 m ²). The house, recently refurbished with long-range plans for the development of a museum, boasts classic architecture, including a double colonnade on the south face and neoclassical pediments on the upper and lower levels. Also within the enclosure was a sugar mill with three chimney stacks, livestock stables, and a sanctuary based on colonial Franciscan monastery architecture. A handful of traditional Maya residences are also located within the enclosure wall apparently reserved for upper-level servants. two small rooms in the lower West and the plantation house were set aside for jailing peasants who disobeyed orders. A small external structure, called the burro building, was, according to oral tradition, used for public punishment. Life as a Laborer Outside the walls was a small village where as many as 700 laborers (peons) lived. Laborers lived in traditional Maya houses consisting of one-room elliptical structures made of masonry, rubble stone, and/or perishable materials. The houses were placed in a regular grid pattern with six or seven houses sharing a residential block, and blocks aligned along straight streets and avenues. The interiors of each of the houses were split into two halves by a mat or screen. One-half was the cooking area including a hearth kitchen and foodstuffs in the second half with the storage bathing area where clothing, machetes, and other personal goods were kept. Hanging from the rafters were hammocks, used for sleeping. Archaeological investigations identified a definite class division within the community outside of the walls. Some of the workers lived in masonry houses that appear to have had preferential placement within the village settlement. These laborers had access to better grades of meat, as well as imported and exotic dry goods. Excavations of a small house inside the enclosure indicated similar access to luxury goods, albeit clearly still occupied by a servant and his family. Historical documentation indicates that life on the plantation for the workers was one of ongoing indebtedness, built into the system, essentially making slaves of the workers. Hacienda Tabi and Archaeology Hacienda Tabi was investigated between 1996 and 2010, under the auspices of the Yucatn Cultural Foundation, the State of Yucatns Secretary of Ecology, and Mexicos National Institute of Anthropology and History. The first four years of the archaeological project were directed by David Carlson of Texas AM University and his graduate students, Allan Meyers and Sam R. Sweitz. The last eleven years of field investigation and excavation were conducted under the direction of Meyers, now at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. Sources Thanks are due to excavator Allan Meyers, author of Outside the Hacienda Walls: The Archaeology of Plantation Peonage in 19th Century Yucatn, for his assistance with this article, and the accompanying photo. Alston LJ, Mattiace S, and Nonnenmacher T. 2009. Coercion, Culture, and Contracts: Labor and Debt on Henequen Haciendas in Yucatn, Mexico, 1870–1915. The Journal of Economic History 69(01):104-137.Juli H. 2003. Perspectives on Mexican hacienda archaeology. The SAA Archaeological Record 3(4):23-24, 44.Meyers AD. 2012. Outside the Hacienda Walls: The Archaeology of Plantation Peonage in 19th Century Yucatn. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. see the reviewMeyers AD. 2005. Lost hacienda: Scholars reconstruct the lives of laborers on a Yucatn plantation. Archaeology 58(One):42-45.Meyers AD. 2005. Material expressions of social inequality at a porfirian sugar hacienda in Yucatn, Mexico. Historical Archaeology 39(4):112-137.Meyers AD. 2005. The challenge and promise of hacienda archaeology in Yucatan. The SAA Archaeological Record 4(1):20-23.Meyers AD, and Carlson DL. 2002. Peonage, power relations, and the built environment at Hacienda Tabi, Yucatn, Mexico. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 6(4):371-388. Meyers AD, Harvey AS, and Levithol SA. 2008. House lot refuse disposal and geochemistry at a late 19th-century Hacienda village in Yucatn, Mexico. Journal of Field Archaeology 33(4):371-388.Palka J. 2009. Historical Archaeology of Indigenous Culture Change in Mesoamerica. Journal of Archaeological Research 17(4):297-346.Sweitz SR. 2005. On the periphery of the periphery: household archaeology at Hacienda Tabi, Yucatn, Mexico. College Station: Texas AM.Sweitz SR. 2012. On the Periphery of the Periphery: Household Archaeology at Hacienda San Juan Bautista Tabi, Yucatn, Mexico. New York: Springer.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

360 Report of Guccio Gucci in China Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

360 Report of Guccio Gucci in China - Coursework Example These strategies include: advertising, craftsmanship, public relations, a touch of mythology, and word of mouth (Marketing Mentor, n.d.). In order to develop effective marketing campaing in China, it is vital to understand the luxry market in China and consumers’ behavior. The Chinese luxury market is huge and is projected to grow by 18% annually from 2010 to 2015, exceeding 20% of the global luxury market (GroupM and CIC 2011). Luxury buyers in China value the status they gain by wearing luxury goods. Chinese consumers like to show their off their shopping achievements and purchasing power. That is why sharing of shopping experience is common in the luxury segment (GroupM and CIC 2011). By developing a business expansion strategy in China, Gucci’s marketers have to focus on the top domestic markets by RMB 10 million-plus population. These cities inlcude: 1) Beijing, 2) Guangdong, 3) Shanghai, 4) Zhejiang, 5) Jiangsu, 6) Fujian, 7) Shandong, 8) Liaoning, 9) Sichuan, and 10) Henan (GroupM and CIC 2011). See the map below. Fast growing luxury market in China captures consumers with different motivations and behaviors. In order to develop effective marketing strategy for this Asian market, Gucci has to consider the purchase drivers common for Chinese luxury consumers. There are indentified four major segments of Chinese luxury consumers: aspirational buyers; quality pursuers; status seekers; trend setters (GroupM & CIC, 2011). Aspirational buyers are mainly white-collars and college students who are very sensitive to price and tend to purchase accessories of famous luxury brands. The purchase drivers include: brand awareness, style and design, and price (GroupM & CIC, 2011). For Qaulity pursuers quality and fine workmanship are the major criteria while purchasing the luxury brands. The purchase drivers include: quality, price, style and design (GroupM & CIC, 2011). The third category of Status seekers implies

Friday, November 1, 2019

Customer Service Management of Rogers Cable Inc of Canada Essay

Customer Service Management of Rogers Cable Inc of Canada - Essay Example The deregulation of the media and communication industry brought the major challenge before the monopolistic RCI. The Canadian Telecommunication Act of 1993 was governed by three principles; the universal service, fair treatment of the customers and interconnectivity of networks. This marked the arrival of a competitive market in the industry. There was a need for RCI to survive among the potential competitors like Bell Canada. As the customers of RCI will be thrown open to various options, there was an urgent need to retain them. Consequently the customer service of RCI was facing a severe test. Hence the company conducted a refined analysis in regard to its customer service. The analysis revealed the critical condition about RCI’s service issue. The analysis produced that there was a significant number of repeat service calls after the installation. An in-depth analysis conducted on a sample of 100 customers confirmed that 20% of them had a repeat work. After considering the historical data it was observed that 16% of the repeat works were done in the houses which had a new (within the previous 30 days) installation. This called for the need to revise the prevailing customer service system which threw light on the cause of such considerable repeat work. The prevailing system, which was followed by RCI in fixing the technical problems in households, involved outsourcing of service technicians. Since the demand for service technicians is seasonal, RCI opted for outsourcing.... The analysis revealed the critical condition about RCI's service issue. Cause of Poor Customer Service The analysis produced that there was a significant number of repeat service calls after the installation. An in-depth analysis conducted on a sample of 100 customers confirmed that 20% of them had a repeat work. After considering the historical data it was observed that 16% of the repeat works were done in the houses which had a new (within the previous 30 days) installation. This called for the need to revise the prevailing customer service system which threw light on the cause of such considerable repeat work. The prevailing system, which was followed by RCI in fixing the technical problems in households, involved outsourcing of service technicians. Since the demand for service technicians is seasonal, RCI opted for outsourcing. Among all the technicians only 18 % constituted RCI's cable employees. This caused a communication gap between the Cable technical Support area of RCI and the outsourced technicians. Due to this communication gap the technicians were unaware of the urgency of fixing the problem in the customer's house. The company lacked a central system that will connect the outsourced companies for technicians with RCI. While focusing on the outsourced technicians a major fault was noticed in their skill set and tools for problem fixing. The technicians were not educated about the new Roger products and didn't have sufficient technical tools to carry out a successful problem fixing. Solution to the Problem The company after analyzing the problem initiated a program across the organization named FTR (First Time Right). The objective of the program was to spread quality awareness about RCI. Trial The program was experimented over a team

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MARKETING PLAN Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MARKETING PLAN - Term Paper Example These are individuals/ groups who wish to be in control of their spending, those who are budget conscious and are always in the lookout for good finds and bargains so they could maximize their budget. They will most likely shop in a supermarket that offers one of the lowest prices. They will be interested in a place that is haven for those who wish to stretch their budget. Target market includes both men and women who are contributing to the earnings of the household. They are the decision makers who are in control of identifying which products to purchase for the daily needs of the house. Secondary target market are the children and younger ones who also have great influence in the purchasing decisions of their parents/ guardians. Wal-mart will retail standard supermarkets, both dry and wet goods. It will carry a wide range of products, from beauty and health care, to kitchen items and food, and even garments and small appliances. It will also have a snack counter where shoppers could stop by while finishing their shopping. It will be offer a one-stop shopping convenience that will provide the customers with all the necessary items they usually shop for when visiting a supermarket. Wal-mart will be a warehouse type of supermarket experience. It will have wide aisles, spacious shopping areas that best suit those who buy items in bulk. The store is designed to make shopping comfortable for its customers. Pricing will be competitive – the management will ensure that the store offers the lowest in the industry. The store will also offer loyalty programs for those who are frequent buyers. It will give additional discounts to members of this loyalty programs. Wal-mart will do promotions through local television and radio advertisements. It will also place occasional advertisements in local newspapers on a regular basis. Wal-mart will also do below-the-line advertising via ad placements in billboards situated in key areas in the cities.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Business Vocabulary Mix Essay Example for Free

Business Vocabulary Mix Essay 1. Instant messaging- a form of communication in which typed text is sent from one person to another over the internet. 2. Spam- unsolicited electronic junk mail or advertisements, sent as an e-mail 3. Emoticon- an expression composed of ordinary characters on a phone or computer that represent the writer’s mood or facial expressions. 4. Signature- a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of e-mails. The text may include the sender’s name, title, etc. 5. Tagline- a slogan or memorable phrase attached to the end of an email that conveys a message from the sender 6. Threads- a series of newsgroup messages dealing with the same subject. 7. Social Networking- the use of a wav space to connect with people who share personal or professional interests 8. E-mail- a message sent electronically from one person to another via links between computers or terminals 9. Blog- a type of web site that displays in chronological order the postings by one or more individuals and usually has links to comments on specific postings 10. Search Engine Optimization- the process of improving the traffic to a web site from search engines 11. Social Norms- the rules that a society uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors 12. Sexting- the act of sending sexually explicit and/or suggestive content via text messaging. 13. Inflection- Modulation of the voice; change in pitch or tone of voice to help convey meaning. 14. Cyber Bullying- when a child or teen is threatened, harassed or otherwise targeted by another child or teen using a form of technology 15. Flaming- a virtual term for venting emotion or sending inflammatory e-mails. 16. Attachments- Computer files sent along with an e-mail message which can be accessed by the recipient of the e-mail. 17. Snail mail- a term used to refer to letters carried by traditional postal delivery services. 18. Texting- sending brief written messages from one person to another via cellular phones.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Economic Conditions Essay -- essays research papers

To analyze an economy, certain statistics can be used to predict the economy’s future. This is important because it helps prepare people for prosperity or hard times. Certain indicators can be used to determine the future of aggregate demand and others can be used to determine aggregate supply. Using eight aggregate demand indicators and four aggregate supply indicators we developed a prediction for the economy in the near future. Changes in aggregate demand are reflected in changes of GDP. To find valuable indicators of the future aggregate demand is to find statistics that tell about change in the components of GDP (C+I+G+Nx). Aggregate supply is influenced by the costs of production to producers and the advent of new or better factors of production and technologies. The indicators we chose as meaningful are also ones used by the Federal Reserve to determine interest rates, automatically validating them as important. The trade deficit is one of the aggregate demand statistics. It shows the balance between imports and exports of the United States. This is the Nx part of GDP. Recently imports have risen while exports have remained constant, making the trade balance more negative and draining GDP. Consumer Confidence is an important indicator of GDP. This is an index created to reflect the sentiment of consumers and how likely they are to spend. This is the C in GDP. The index of Consumer Confidence has fallen for a fourth month in a row and is at a four year low. This sharp...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nurse to patient ratio in emergency rooms

The presence of emergency rooms in hospital provides the people with additional service especially in time of need. Emergency situations are given the attention they deserve and the people affected are extended prompt care and treatment in emergency rooms. â€Å"When you need help right away, the best place to go is the nearest hospital emergency room. Also called the ER, this place is open 24 hours a day. Nurses and doctors are there day and night to care for medical problems that need quick attention† (â€Å"What Happens In The Emergency Room†). The presence of doctors, nurses, and equipment are important factors in making the emergency room serve its purpose. Due to the number of emergency situations that occur on a daily basis however, said factors must be assessed in order to determine whether or not emergency rooms still provide ample assistance to people in a given community.One such factor of great importance is the number of nurses assigned to a shift in an eme rgency room. It is important to review how the number of nurses in an emergency room can affect the rendition of service to patients, and ultimately, how it affects mortality of patients in the hospital. Nurses are of value and importance inside the hospital. As correctly stated by Underwood,Nurses in the community are well prepared and well positioned to improve the health and well-being of people living in the community. The available evidence is convincing that nurses in the community have a positive impact on the health of individuals, families, and populations (2003).Admittedly, it is the doctor who orders what type of treatment and prescribes the necessary medication to a certain patient. However, it must be noted that without the nurse, the orders of the doctor will be put to naught since no one will be in charge in the execution of said orders. So also, the basic things preliminary to the treatment of the patient are usually done by the nurse. Thus, it necessary to analyze h ow understaffing of nurses in the emergency room could affect the services these nurses render to the patients who are urgently in need of help. Ultimately, it can be seen that the safety of the patients are dependent on the number of the nurses that are assigned to the emergency room in a given shift.The quality of the services provided and delivered by the nurses depends on the tasks assigned to them and to the number of patients they attend to. Based on studies conducted, increase in the ratio between patients and nurses are advantageous as regards the delivery of health care services to the patients. The opposite is not only disadvantageous to the interests of the patients, but rather, it could lead to deterioration of health or even death on the part of the patients. The staffing of nurses in emergency rooms is an important issue must be addressed. The patient and nurse ratio affects the work load of the nurse, medication errors, waiting time of patients, delivery of care and m ortality. Said issues must be address in order to ensure that emergency rooms are still effective venues for rendering treatment to emergency situations.Increase in the patient to nurse ratio would ensure better rendition of services to patients. Firstly, delays will be prevented by higher ratio between patents and nurses inside the emergency room. Clearly, there are instances where more patients need care and there are only a handful of nurses available at a given shift. In these cases, not all the patients will be attended to promptly. Some would have to wait because the nurses would have to focus on the other patients who are in need of more urgent care or treatment.The other patient, also needing emergency treatment, will necessarily have to wait. As aptly stated,  excessive delays are akin to possible adverse events from the supply side (pressure experienced by the nurses) and from the demand side (waiting patients), both of which factor into the overall quality of care. Acco rdingly, we pose the nurse staffing problem in terms of finding staffing levels that guarantee a bound on a specified probability of excessive delay [†¦]  staffing levels are set to prevent the assistance of patients in need from being delayed longer than a specified time constraint [†¦] (Vericourt and Jennings).It must not be forgotten that emergency rooms are assigned in a hospital in order to provide attention to emergency cases. If patients are made to wait for a long period of time before their ailment can be attended to, then the purpose for which emergency room exists is not being served.  The adverse effect of the delay caused by a decrease in patient to nurse ratio is not limited to having the patient wait for treatment that he or she needs.Ultimately, the health of the patient is adversely affected.  delaying certain procedures can endanger patient health. For instance, the medical guidelines for certain myocardial infarctions recommend the immediate admini stration of aspirin. Delays also give rise to unfinished tasks, either because nurses fail to remember them later or because they abandon them in order to take care of more urgent procedures.In emergency rooms situations, time is always of the essence. Hence, the waiting time of the patient must be lessened, if not absolutely eliminated. The mere fact that the patient sought help from the emergency room means that care and treatment must be urgently administered to him. Having the patient wait due to the limited number of nurses that are available in a given shift means that the patient has to bear with his ailment before he can be attended to. This is contrary to the purpose of emergency rooms.Secondly, the increase in the patient to nurse ratio will clearly eliminate medication errors inadvertently done by nurses. It must be admitted that the number of patients assigned to a nurse at one given time largely affects the performance of the nurse concerned. If patients, more than thos e which one nurse can handle, are assigned to a nurse, there will be difficulty in attending to all of said patients. This could lead to error in administering the proper treatment to be given to a certain patient. Regardless of the competence of the nurses in the hospital, the weight of their work load can actually influence the quality of service that they deliver to the patients.In instances which involved the decrease of the ratio between patient and nurse, medication errors have been made by nurses. The commission of said errors eventually led to complaints from patients due to faulty and low quality of service that has been provided to them. One article recounted that a report from the Department of Health of Massachusetts revealed that â€Å"medical errors and complaints at hospitals have increased by 76 percent in seven years† (Why The Staffing Ratio Law Is Needed†) due to understaffing of nurses in emergency rooms.Thus, it appears that decrease in the ratio bet ween nurse and patient could actually lead to endangering the health of patients. This could also blemish the character and reputation of hospitals in the community because instead of ensuring the health of the patients, they accomplish the opposite.Lastly, and more importantly, the ratio between patient and nurse affects the quality of service given to, and the mortality of patients seeking help from the emergency room. As mentioned earlier, the delay in receiving proper care and the great possibility of errors in medication could adversely affect the health of patients. This is the same reason why a lot of States have resorted to the promulgation of laws involving the fixing of the ratio between patients and clients in the hospital. This is to ensure quality of the care provided to the patients. As correctly pointed out by Vericourt and Jennings,The rationale for implementing these ratios stems from the association between nurse staffing level and patient safety. Research studies suggest a significant connection between nurse workload and clinical outcomes. For instance, Aiken et al. (2002) conclude that the addition of one surgical patient to nurse assignments results in a 7% increase in mortality rates. The purpose of the mandated nurse-to-patient ratios is to provide a consistently high level of patient safety throughout the state. Ostensibly, safety is partially attained through manageable workloads among those who actually provide health care services.If decrease in the ratio between nurses and patients is countenanced, then a lot of patients would suffer because they will not receive the urgent treatment that they need. There is a possibility that their injury or ailment could actually worsen due to errors in treatment or medication. So also, there is a chance that due to lack of timely and proper treatment, death could ensue.The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science reports that â€Å"nurse staffing levels affect patient outcomes and safety.† Insufficient monitoring of patients, caused by poor working conditions and the assignment of too few RNs, increases the likelihood of patient deaths and injuries at a time when avoidable medical errors kill up to 98,000 people in U.S. hospitals every year (â€Å"Why The Staffing Ratio Law Is Needed†).This is, unquestionably, a serious issue that must be addressed. As mentioned above, the emergency room is a place where quick attention could be given to patients who are in need. There is a promise that ailments and injuries will be treated right away in order to save the patient. However, due to understaffing of nurses in emergency rooms, it appears that chances of death are even heightened.All the materials related to the issue at hand are in agreement that the fixing of the ratio between patients and nurses is an important issue that deserves attention. Not only does it affect the workload of the nurses, but ultimately, it affects the health and safety of the patients seeking help from the hospital. In a survey conducted, even the nurses themselves agree that understaffing is a serious problem encountered in most hospitals. â€Å"The survey data demonstrate that nurses view understaffing as a serious problem when it comes both to the quality of care that patients receive and to nurse burnout. For example, three in five (59%) hospital nurses say that the staffing level at their hospital is having a negative impact on the quality of care patients receive† (Hart, 2003).In conclusion, emergency rooms and nurses play an important role in the society when it comes to giving urgent care and treatment to patients seeking help. Mere assignment of nurses to emergency rooms is not sufficient. A sufficient number of nurses must be assigned to a certain shift in the emergency room in order to meet the demands of the people in need. Undeniably, nurses play different roles while they are at work.Its goal is to promote and preserve the healt h of populations and is directed to communities, groups, families and individuals across their life span in a continuous rather than episodic process. The role and activities include: care/service provider; educator; consultant; community developer; leader; enabler; advocate; communicator; resource manager/planner; coordinator; team member/collaborator; researcher/evaluator; social marketer; and policy formulator (Underwood, 2003).If said duties are expected of nurses, then it appears that said duties cannot be accomplished if only a few nurses are assigned in a certain shift.   Research proves that decrease in the ratio between nurses and patients affect adversely the performance of nurses. They commit errors in medication and are not able to provide proper care and treatment to all the patients assigned to them. On the other hand, increase in the ratio between nurses and patients ensure that only the best quality service and care will be given to the patient. Proper attention an d adequate attention is ensured because the nurse is able to focus on the patient. Ultimately, in increasing the ratio between nurses and patients, nurses are able to perform their duties efficiently, and the patients receive the care and attention that they deserve. Related article: â€Å"Ati RN Community Health Online Practice 2016 B†REFERENCEKaestner, R. (2006). Nurse-to-Patient Ratios. â€Å"What Happens In the Emergency Room?†. 2007. Nurse to patient ratio in emergency rooms The presence of emergency rooms in hospital provides the people with additional service especially in time of need. Emergency situations are given the attention they deserve and the people affected are extended prompt care and treatment in emergency rooms. â€Å"When you need help right away, the best place to go is the nearest hospital emergency room. Also called the ER, this place is open 24 hours a day. Nurses and doctors are there day and night to care for medical problems that need quick attention† (â€Å"What Happens In The Emergency Room†). The presence of doctors, nurses, and equipment are important factors in making the emergency room serve its purpose. Due to the number of emergency situations that occur on a daily basis however, said factors must be assessed in order to determine whether or not emergency rooms still provide ample assistance to people in a given community.One such factor of great importance is the number of nurses assigned to a shift in an eme rgency room. It is important to review how the number of nurses in an emergency room can affect the rendition of service to patients, and ultimately, how it affects mortality of patients in the hospital. Nurses are of value and importance inside the hospital. As correctly stated by Underwood,Nurses in the community are well prepared and well positioned to improve the health and well-being of people living in the community. The available evidence is convincing that nurses in the community have a positive impact on the health of individuals, families, and populations (2003).Admittedly, it is the doctor who orders what type of treatment and prescribes the necessary medication to a certain patient. However, it must be noted that without the nurse, the orders of the doctor will be put to naught since no one will be in charge in the execution of said orders. So also, the basic things preliminary to the treatment of the patient are usually done by the nurse. Thus, it necessary to analyze h ow understaffing of nurses in the emergency room could affect the services these nurses render to the patients who are urgently in need of help. Ultimately, it can be seen that the safety of the patients are dependent on the number of the nurses that are assigned to the emergency room in a given shift.The quality of the services provided and delivered by the nurses depends on the tasks assigned to them and to the number of patients they attend to. Based on studies conducted, increase in the ratio between patients and nurses are advantageous as regards the delivery of health care services to the patients. The opposite is not only disadvantageous to the interests of the patients, but rather, it could lead to deterioration of health or even death on the part of the patients. The staffing of nurses in emergency rooms is an important issue must be addressed. The patient and nurse ratio affects the work load of the nurse, medication errors, waiting time of patients, delivery of care and m ortality. Said issues must be address in order to ensure that emergency rooms are still effective venues for rendering treatment to emergency situations.Increase in the patient to nurse ratio would ensure better rendition of services to patients. Firstly, delays will be prevented by higher ratio between patents and nurses inside the emergency room. Clearly, there are instances where more patients need care and there are only a handful of nurses available at a given shift. In these cases, not all the patients will be attended to promptly. Some would have to wait because the nurses would have to focus on the other patients who are in need of more urgent care or treatment. The other patient, also needing emergency treatment, will necessarily have to wait.As aptly stated, excessive delays are akin to possible adverse events from the supply side (pressure experienced by the nurses) and from the demand side (waiting patients), both of which factor into the overall quality of care. Accordi ngly, we pose the nurse staffing problem in terms of finding staffing levels that guarantee a bound on a specified probability of excessive delay [†¦]  staffing levels are set to prevent the assistance of patients in need from being delayed longer than a specified time constraint [†¦] (Vericourt and Jennings).It must not be forgotten that emergency rooms are assigned in a hospital in order to provide attention to emergency cases. If patients are made to wait for a long period of time before their ailment can be attended to, then the purpose for which emergency room exists is not being served.The adverse effect of the delay caused by a decrease in patient to nurse ratio is not limited to having the patient wait for treatment that he or she needs. Ultimately, the health of the patient is adversely affected.  delaying certain procedures can endanger patient health. For instance, the medical guidelines for certain myocardial infarctions recommend the immediate administrati on of aspirin. Delays also give rise to unfinished tasks, either because nurses fail to remember them later or because they abandon them in order to take care of more urgent procedures.In emergency rooms situations, time is always of the essence. Hence, the waiting time of the patient must be lessened, if not absolutely eliminated. The mere fact that the patient sought help from the emergency room means that care and treatment must be urgently administered to him. Having the patient wait due to the limited number of nurses that are available in a given shift means that the patient has to bear with his ailment before he can be attended to. This is contrary to the purpose of emergency rooms.Secondly, the increase in the patient to nurse ratio will clearly eliminate medication errors inadvertently done by nurses. It must be admitted that the number of patients assigned to a nurse at one given time largely affects the performance of the nurse concerned. If patients, more than those whic h one nurse can handle, are assigned to a nurse, there will be difficulty in attending to all of said patients. This could lead to error in administering the proper treatment to be given to a certain patient. Regardless of the competence of the nurses in the hospital, the weight of their work load can actually influence the quality of service that they deliver to the patients.In instances which involved the decrease of the ratio between patient and nurse, medication errors have been made by nurses. The commission of said errors eventually led to complaints from patients due to faulty and low quality of service that has been provided to them. One article recounted that a report from the Department of Health of Massachusetts revealed that â€Å"medical errors and complaints at hospitals have increased by 76 percent in seven years† (Why The Staffing Ratio Law Is Needed†) due to understaffing of nurses in emergency rooms.   Thus, it appears that decrease in the ratio betw een nurse and patient could actually lead to endangering the health of patients. This could also blemish the character and reputation of hospitals in the community because instead of ensuring the health of the patients, they accomplish the opposite.Lastly, and more importantly, the ratio between patient and nurse affects the quality of service given to, and the mortality of patients seeking help from the emergency room. As mentioned earlier, the delay in receiving proper care and the great possibility of errors in medication could adversely affect the health of patients. This is the same reason why a lot of States have resorted to the promulgation of laws involving the fixing of the ratio between patients and clients in the hospital. This is to ensure quality of the care provided to the patients. As correctly pointed out by Vericourt and Jennings,The rationale for implementing these ratios stems from the association between nurse staffing level and patient safety. Research studies s uggest a significant connection between nurse workload and clinical outcomes. For instance, Aiken et al. (2002) conclude that the addition of one surgical patient to nurse assignments results in a 7% increase in mortality rates. The purpose of the mandated nurse-to-patient ratios is to provide a consistently high level of patient safety throughout the state. Ostensibly, safety is partially attained through manageable workloads among those who actually provide health care services.If decrease in the ratio between nurses and patients is countenanced, then a lot of patients would suffer because they will not receive the urgent treatment that they need. There is a possibility that their injury or ailment could actually worsen due to errors in treatment or medication. So also, there is a chance that due to lack of timely and proper treatment, death could ensue.The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science reports that â€Å"nurse staffing levels affect patient outcomes and safety.† Insufficient monitoring of patients, caused by poor working conditions and the assignment of too few RNs, increases the likelihood of patient deaths and injuries at a time when avoidable medical errors kill up to 98,000 people in U.S. hospitals every year (â€Å"Why The Staffing Ratio Law Is Needed†).This is, unquestionably, a serious issue that must be addressed. As mentioned above, the emergency room is a place where quick attention could be given to patients who are in need. There is a promise that ailments and injuries will be treated right away in order to save the patient. However, due to understaffing of nurses in emergency rooms, it appears that chances of death are even heightened.All the materials related to the issue at hand are in agreement that the fixing of the ratio between patients and nurses is an important issue that deserves attention. Not only does it affect the workload of the nurses, but ultimately, it affects the health and safety of the patients seeking help from the hospital. In a survey conducted, even the nurses themselves agree that understaffing is a serious problem encountered in most hospitals. â€Å"The survey data demonstrate that nurses view understaffing as a serious problem when it comes both to the quality of care that patients receive and to nurse burnout. For example, three in five (59%) hospital nurses say that the staffing level at their hospital is having a negative impact on the quality of care patients receive† (Hart, 2003).In conclusion, emergency rooms and nurses play an important role in the society when it comes to giving urgent care and treatment to patients seeking help. Mere assignment of nurses to emergency rooms is not sufficient. A sufficient number of nurses must be assigned to a certain shift in the emergency room in order to meet the demands of the people in need. Undeniably, nurses play different roles while they are at work.Its goal is to promote and preserve the health of populations and is directed to communities, groups, families and individuals across their life span in a continuous rather than episodic process. The role and activities include: care/service provider; educator; consultant; community developer; leader; enabler; advocate; communicator; resource manager/planner; coordinator; team member/collaborator; researcher/evaluator; social marketer; and policy formulator (Underwood, 2003).If said duties are expected of nurses, then it appears that said duties cannot be accomplished if only a few nurses are assigned in a certain shift.   Research proves that decrease in the ratio between nurses and patients affect adversely the performance of nurses. They commit errors in medication and are not able to provide proper care and treatment to all the patients assigned to them. On the other hand, increase in the ratio between nurses and patients ensure that only the best quality service and care will be given to the patient. Proper attention and adequate attention is ensured because the nurse is able to focus on the patient. Ultimately, in increasing the ratio between nurses and patients, nurses are able to perform their duties efficiently, and the patients receive the care and attention that they deserve.REFERENCEHart, P. (2003). Patient-To-Nurse Staffing Ratios: Perspectives From Hospital Nurses. AFT Healthcare. Kaestner, R. (2006). Nurse-to-Patient Ratios. Tone, B. (1999). Nurse-patient ratios, professionalism and safety. Vericourt and Jennings. Nurse To Patient Rations in Hospital Staffing: a Queuing Perspective., J. (2003). Value of Nurses In the Community. Canadian Nurses Association, â€Å"What Happens In the Emergency Room?†. 2007. â€Å"Why The Staffing Ration Law Is Needed†. 2005.