Thursday, December 26, 2019

Evaluating the Success of the Enforcement of Prohibition...

Evaluating the Success of the Enforcement of Prohibition in the United States Prohibition was the banning of alcohol in the U.S.A. It was the 18th amendment and was known as the national prohibition act. It was also given the name the Volstead act because it was put into practice by Andrew.J.Volstead. Prohibition had its ups and downs. It was successful in many ways but was also a failure according to other matters. One of the reasons due to which prohibition failed was because of the size of America. It was a vast amount of land therefore made it difficult to patrol. It had a large population which gave another reason for difficulty in patrolling. There were two oceans (Pacific †¦show more content†¦Leading on from this was the attitude of the government to this movement of prohibition. They wanted to enforce prohibition because America was all well at the time and they didnt want any risks of this to be spoilt. They felt alcohol was a cause for statistics and risks rising. They felt prohibition was needed in order for safety. This was a short term cause because it was the conditions during the roaring twenties alone. This was a good idea but wasnt successful because of the other failures. The government started to see that quantities of liquor were being smuggled into their country and so they decided on bringing in fines. If you were caught with illegal liquor you would be fined. If you could not pay off this fine then you would be taken to court. After you r case if you still couldnt pay off this fine you would be excused this maybe because you are unable to afford this. This did have a slight effect but wasnt a major reason of succession as it did fail in some ways. This was also a short term cause as they were only fined for illegal liquor and so when they out the 21st amendment into practice this fine would no longer be needed. Another major reason which failed to succeed and caused difficulties into enforcing prohibition was because of the gangsters at the time.Show MoreRelatedmarijuana legalization2370 Words   |  10 Pages1937, the United Sates of America passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which made transfer or possession of cannabis (marijuana plant) illegal throughout the US under federal law. Studies conducted throughout the years have proven that cannabis can be utilized as a medical supplement. In fact 20, states and the District of Columbia have passed laws to legalize marijuana under certain medical conditions. According to the White House, it is the most commonly used recreational drug in the United States. It hasRead More Legalize drugs Essay example2773 Words   |  12 Pages Such an issue stirs up moral and religious beliefs; beliefs that are contrary to what America should quot;believequot;. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Employee Retention Practices And Motivation Theories

Week 3 reading was related to motivation theories and explained the employee motivation affects on employee retention. Reading, examines how developing and implementing employee retention practices create a competitive advantage. This reading provides a connection between the effective employee retention practices and motivation theories as well as how these efforts serve as a strategy to increasing organizational performance. Also, making the case for financial importance in maintaining such practices, as its described in paper, Fitz-enz (1997) stated that the average company loses approximately $1 million with every 10 managerial and professional employees, a significant economic impact. HUMAN CAPITAL THEORY Quoting (Mueller, 1982) an â€Å"investment in skill-building would be more profitable and more likely to be undertaken the longer the period over which returns from the investment can accrue† (Mueller, 1982, p. 94). Employee retention is important in realizing a full return on investment in intellectual capital that equals the knowledge, skills, and attributes of each individual within an organization. comparing to definition of intellectual capital, Ulrich’s definition was simply â€Å"competence multiplied by commitment† (Ulrich’s 1998, p. 125), EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION THEORIES Motivation is descried in this theory as a means to connect personal gain and an overall company objective while generating an effort from the employee creating the impact with employeesShow MoreRelatedImproving Organization Retention Paper1446 Words   |  6 Pagesorganization retention In the past few years the state of Pennsylvania has made an effort to boot their economy by allowing gambling. One of the casinos that have made an impact is JC’s Casino and Resort. This establishment is state of the art in all aspects. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Steps for Cleaning Fertilizer Spreading Machine free essay sample

A fertilizer spreader is a metal hopper with an adjustable trough underneath for applying an even layer of fertilizer over lawns and gardens. Some spreaders connect with a tow hitch to the back of a tractor. Smaller models have a handle and wheels for pushing the spreader yourself. As with all garden tools, cleaning your spreader after each use will prolong the life of the equipment and ensure proper operation. A garden hose may be used, but a power washer works best. 1. Empty the hopper of all fertilizer, either by spreading the product on your garden or lawn or removing the fertilizer and returning it to its storage bag. 2. Open the hopper trough at the bottom of the spreader so water can run through. Pull the lever on the side of the spreader to open the trough. Reliable and stable quality is the key to success. Our products are well known at home and abroad. We will write a custom essay sample on Steps for Cleaning Fertilizer Spreading Machine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now we have tens of thousands of users throughout China and more than 30 world markets. As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as magnetic separator,Cement mill,vibrating screen

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Week 1 Discussion 1 Essay Example

Week 1 Discussion 1 Essay From the e-Activity, evaluate at least two companies’ financial statements that have received a negative rating from one of the financial rating agencies. Determine which financial ratios most likely impacted the rating decision. Compare and contrast at least two financial ratios that support the rating agencys claims. Speculate on how the ratios are likely to change considering the economic environment in which it operates. Support your position. The two companies that I choose for this discussion are the American Express, Inc. and the General Electric Company.Both of them received negative rating from the Thomson Reuters Stockreport + and both of them is under the -2 category. As I research on the ratios that these rating companies might use, I discover that they love to use the leverage ratios as an indicator. Take American Express and the General Electric as an example. Both of them carry more than 400% Debt to Common Equity while the Long Term Debt Percent to Common Equit y are both more than 250% which consider very high in comparing to those obtain positive rating like Boeing, whose total Debt percentage to Common Equity is only 201. 5%! Other than these leverage ratios, the assets per employee ratio seem to be another key factor to determine the ranking. Company has positive rating like Boeing has assets per employee ratio at $397,262. 38 per employee while both GE and American Express have over 2 million per employee! If a company’s debt to equity ratio is more than 400%, it means that the company relies heavily on debt than equity. It is true that interest expense is tax deductible and which will help to improve the net income as a result of this benefit.However, this ratio will tell the investor that the company might get into cash problem if the growth in sales is slow plus the collection rate is low. In addition, when the assets to employee ratio is over million, it tells the investor that the company is inefficient in generate profit. Any changes in the economy, the company is likely to encounter a lot of problems. Change in economic environment would hardly help the American Express as they are well known for high service charge to both merchants and consumers.It would be difficult for them to improve the ratio unless they stream down and change their policy on charging. As for the General Electric, they have to wait till the economy bounces back in full swing then, the assets turnover rate will be improved immensely. In addition, with the help of the growth in sales, they will be able to pay-off some debts and thus reduce the debt to equity ratio. Imagine that you are a chief financial officer with $150,000 of idle cash that you must invest to increase earnings for your company.Select at least two companies and the ratios you would use to determine your investment strategy. Based on the companies you choose, speculate on how the ratios are likely to change over the next five years. I would like to make an inve stment on Apple, Inc. and Boeing Company in a ratio of 6:4. The ratios that I use for the evaluation will be the growth rate in sales, the return on earning assets ratio, cost of goods sold to sales ratio, the debt to common equity ratio, and the dividend payout in the past 5 years. If the economy remains the same, the cost of goods sold to Sales ratio for Apple, Inc. ill drop proportionately as they have the costs under good control while the sales remains growing at 40% rate. In addition, the return on earning assets will grow a little bit due to the increase in sales. Other than that, other ratios will pretty much the same. As for Boeing, unless there is a sudden demand in new jets, the sales will pretty much the same. As they are pretty good at streamlining, I do not expect a dramatic change in its ratios at all. Reference: Financial data retrieved from www. thomsonone. com ;amp; www. scottrade. com.